Archived: Article Discussion: Let's Roast In The New Year
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Re: Let's Roast In The New Year
01/04/14 4:32 pm | #61
I think that Heath should be in a perpetual state of roast, his comprehensive reading levels and ability to form coherent sentences places him firmly behind people who have suffered massive head injuries and newborn children.
Re: Re: Re: Let's Roast In The New Year
01/04/14 6:18 pm | #63
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Meta:
woah, woah, woah, woah, woah know wait a gotdamn minute, you've gone to far now meta......I cant believe you would say that about me...... I never use roket launchers & you know it. close the gotdamn thread AJ, my feeling are offically hurt

Re: Re: Re: Re: Let's Roast In The New Year
01/04/14 7:14 pm | #64
Quote by AJ:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Except you have none of those qualities at all.
and you need to change name of your rap label because you are the slowest mother fucker ive ever met, you take 20 minutes to change discs to put a different game in when you said you would be on an hour before that
plus black people are always late.

Re: Let's Roast In The New Year
01/04/14 9:04 pm | #67

Re: Let's Roast In The New Year
01/04/14 9:57 pm | #68
That picture is missing a welfare check and pack of newports
Re: Re: Let's Roast In The New Year
01/04/14 10:02 pm | #69

Quote by The Snapple Cap:
That picture is missing a welfare check and pack of newports
Re: Re: Re: Let's Roast In The New Year
01/04/14 10:08 pm | #71
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
That picture is missing a welfare check and pack of newports
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Re: Let's Roast In The New Year
01/04/14 11:06 pm | #72
fuck AJ beat me to that gif
Re: Let's Roast In The New Year
01/05/14 12:49 am | #73
I know I'm late to the party but did somebody mention assburgers?

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Re: Let's Roast In The New Year
01/05/14 2:07 am | #74
Its not racist if its true
Re: Let's Roast In The New Year
01/05/14 7:01 am | #75
Based on this thread they should change the sites name to