Re: "Always On" Internet- Deal With It? (Kat's Korner Ep. 6)
04/08/13 7:58 pm | #18
Dude, fuck always on. Even though my devices are always online 99% of the time... its just not a great idea. Like it was mentioned, shit happens. Random internet drops, power outages, etc. I get what Microsoft is doing but I just don't think we are at a point in time where the internet is everywhere. We think it is but really there are tons of places and people that don't have it, or don't have good enough service to make such a device worth having. They have to know that this would kill sales right? I mean 40 million Xbox LIVE users versus their close to 80 million consoles sold. That is a lot of people possibly not buying their shit. They are trying to be PC, but shit, even a large amount of PC games can be palyed with no internet.
There is still lots of time to see what happens, but at this point it looks like PS4 is a winner. I mean IMO the 360 isnt even all that much better than the PS3 to begin with. The only thing it really has is Xbox LIVE. Xbox LIVE is better than PSN. Its way easier to communicate on Xbox. Easier to send and receive messages, you have party chat, and just an all around better online interface. Im sure Sony has recognized this. PS3 generally had better and more exclusives IMO. Just imagine if PS3 had party chat and had the level of easiness the xbox has with communication..... PS3 would have shit all over the 360. You'd have to bet Sony will make those upgrades/feature, and if so, they win. Especially if PSN remains free.