Actually, though, what grinds my gears is that I'm about to hit 100k and it doesn't have the impact it used to. A year ago, I only knew 1 or 2 people over 100k legit and I'd have been in the top 10 for Texas, now I have 7 people just on my friends list that are over 100k, know many more, and will barely be in the top 30 for TX. Fooey.
Closed: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
Posted Under: Entertainment
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Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/14/10 1:12 am | #301
Ab not liking Street Fighter IV grinds my gears. It's my second favourite fighting game of all time, right after Time Killers.
Actually, though, what grinds my gears is that I'm about to hit 100k and it doesn't have the impact it used to. A year ago, I only knew 1 or 2 people over 100k legit and I'd have been in the top 10 for Texas, now I have 7 people just on my friends list that are over 100k, know many more, and will barely be in the top 30 for TX. Fooey.
Actually, though, what grinds my gears is that I'm about to hit 100k and it doesn't have the impact it used to. A year ago, I only knew 1 or 2 people over 100k legit and I'd have been in the top 10 for Texas, now I have 7 people just on my friends list that are over 100k, know many more, and will barely be in the top 30 for TX. Fooey.
Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/17/10 2:44 pm | #302
When this thread is off the top 20 grinds my gears.........
Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/17/10 2:50 pm | #305
Quote by Melissa Evol:
lollllllllllllllz. Albuterol grinds my gears. When you give it to an infant, the infant doesn't sleep. He also doesn't keep any food down. 

Yikes, that would grind my gears too!
Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/17/10 2:56 pm | #306
Quote by Shock:
Melissa Evol Wrote
Hahaha what a fag. Oh well, what do you expect from someone without RL friends. He spent Friday night in an XBL party with a 15 year old. That would be hilarious if I weren't pretty sure he's either partially retarded or a child molester.
Melissa Evol Wrote
Hahaha what a fag. Oh well, what do you expect from someone without RL friends. He spent Friday night in an XBL party with a 15 year old. That would be hilarious if I weren't pretty sure he's either partially retarded or a child molester.
Dude, you deleted all the shouts you left in my shoutbox that led up to that, so don't go putting it here to make yourself look the victim again.
Grow some balls and stop trying to make everyone look like an ass when you initiated that whole conversation, just to delete all your contributions after it got bad.
Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/17/10 3:03 pm | #311
can i get some wacko jacko popcorn over here?
Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/17/10 3:06 pm | #315
People who think the world revolves around them really grind my gears.
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