(watching pride and glory) good movie
Closed: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
Posted Under: Entertainment
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Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/10/10 4:03 am | #256
what really grinds my gears are dirty cops
(watching pride and glory) good movie
(watching pride and glory) good movie
Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/10/10 3:11 pm | #258
Quote by Lady Evol:
Negative people really grind my gears.... you know the type- no matter what, all they have to say are negative comments. Even when they're talking to their friends and should be having fun, they're complaining about other people, complaining about service they recieved, complaining about products they bought that they didn't like, complaining about their families or complaining about problems that they created in their minds.
It makes me want to slap them. -_-
It makes me want to slap them. -_-
you SHOULD slap them.... and then RUN! that way, they dont know what hit them!
My New England Patriots losing the crappy ass Ravens REALLY grinds my gears
Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/10/10 3:31 pm | #259
360V is starting to grind my gears. I play late and stay on until early in the morning. For whatever reason, 360 voice doesn't pick up what's played at 2-6 in the morning.
SOOO.... The last 2 entries say that I picked up a bunch of points but don't know where they came from. The day before said I got points in Hexic, although that's not possible. It didn't say that I played the Darkness at all. Also it doesn't pick up that I completed Borderlands so now I have to put that piece of shit back in my 360 just to get credit for my completion.
SOOO.... The last 2 entries say that I picked up a bunch of points but don't know where they came from. The day before said I got points in Hexic, although that's not possible. It didn't say that I played the Darkness at all. Also it doesn't pick up that I completed Borderlands so now I have to put that piece of shit back in my 360 just to get credit for my completion.
Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/10/10 3:36 pm | #260
Quote by theevol1:
360V is starting to grind my gears. I play late and stay on until early in the morning. For whatever reason, 360 voice doesn't pick up what's played at 2-6 in the morning.
SOOO.... The last 2 entries say that I picked up a bunch of points but don't know where they came from. The day before said I got points in Hexic, although that's not possible. It didn't say that I played the Darkness at all. Also it doesn't pick up that I completed Borderlands so now I have to put that piece of shit back in my 360 just to get credit for my completion.
SOOO.... The last 2 entries say that I picked up a bunch of points but don't know where they came from. The day before said I got points in Hexic, although that's not possible. It didn't say that I played the Darkness at all. Also it doesn't pick up that I completed Borderlands so now I have to put that piece of shit back in my 360 just to get credit for my completion.
I found out the hard way a long time ago - from 3-4 AM EST 360 voice is not supposed to pick up anything - however they seem to take the hours and slowly extend them - I found out that it really cut you off around 2:30 AM and didn't usually pick back up until 4:30 AM. But if you play a game the whole time straight through those hours, it usually doesn't "see" it and you have to turn the xbox off and back on.....really irritating, part of the reason I don't hardly pay attention to my 360voice blog anymore

Re: Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/10/10 3:49 pm | #262
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by theevol1:
360V is starting to grind my gears. I play late and stay on until early in the morning. For whatever reason, 360 voice doesn't pick up what's played at 2-6 in the morning.
SOOO.... The last 2 entries say that I picked up a bunch of points but don't know where they came from. The day before said I got points in Hexic, although that's not possible. It didn't say that I played the Darkness at all. Also it doesn't pick up that I completed Borderlands so now I have to put that piece of shit back in my 360 just to get credit for my completion.
SOOO.... The last 2 entries say that I picked up a bunch of points but don't know where they came from. The day before said I got points in Hexic, although that's not possible. It didn't say that I played the Darkness at all. Also it doesn't pick up that I completed Borderlands so now I have to put that piece of shit back in my 360 just to get credit for my completion.
I found out the hard way a long time ago - from 3-4 AM EST 360 voice is not supposed to pick up anything - however they seem to take the hours and slowly extend them - I found out that it really cut you off around 2:30 AM and didn't usually pick back up until 4:30 AM. But if you play a game the whole time straight through those hours, it usually doesn't "see" it and you have to turn the xbox off and back on.....really irritating, part of the reason I don't hardly pay attention to my 360voice blog anymore

I used to care about my streak, but I've lost it from playing at X hour. They are still missing points and I can't figure out from where. So I didn't get my Jedi badge on time. I had almost 600 points to get after I got to 75% because of it. Yes, I still use it, but I also find myself frequenting that site less and less as time goes on!
Re: Re: Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/10/10 3:57 pm | #263
Quote by theevol1:
Quote by Minioger:
I found out the hard way a long time ago - from 3-4 AM EST 360 voice is not supposed to pick up anything - however they seem to take the hours and slowly extend them - I found out that it really cut you off around 2:30 AM and didn't usually pick back up until 4:30 AM. But if you play a game the whole time straight through those hours, it usually doesn't "see" it and you have to turn the xbox off and back on.....really irritating, part of the reason I don't hardly pay attention to my 360voice blog anymore

I used to care about my streak, but I've lost it from playing at X hour. They are still missing points and I can't figure out from where. So I didn't get my Jedi badge on time. I had almost 600 points to get after I got to 75% because of it. Yes, I still use it, but I also find myself frequenting that site less and less as time goes on!
You can download the streaksaver program and it updates like every 10 minutes or so.
Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/10/10 4:01 pm | #264
Thanks, but I really gave up on my streak.
I lol'ed at your PC sig BTW!
I lol'ed at your PC sig BTW!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/10/10 4:04 pm | #266
Quote by STD:
that program didn't work for me, and I had to speak to the admin of the site. he fixed everything for me, but then it happened again. I went from having played 520 games to 75 games played. WTF!
lol @ 520 games! You're an animal! lol
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/10/10 4:06 pm | #267
Quote by STD:
Quote by Mr Bay:
You can download the streaksaver program and it updates like every 10 minutes or so.
that program didn't work for me, and I had to speak to the admin of the site. he fixed everything for me, but then it happened again. I went from having played 520 games to 75 games played. WTF!
Lol.I don't use 360v to often......
Just checked mines 100% correct.Maybe it's because you guys have more games played than I do

@eevol Thanks!

Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/10/10 4:09 pm | #268
The streak saver didn't work for me either. I downloaded it a long time ago, and I still lost my streak.
I was at 68 days and lost it after a XBA Friday Night Gears Boosting Event. I was told to email the support group about it, which I did, and they responded that they'd fix it.
I got to 58 days, without the previous 68 being fixed yet, and lost my streak AGAIN, this time I had played MW2.
Then I got to 21 days and lost it again even after playing Gears again.
So I decided FUCK IT.
Now I don't have to worry about logging into a game for a few minutes just to save my damn streak. I can miss a day with not troubles.
I'm free, and I like it.
I was at 68 days and lost it after a XBA Friday Night Gears Boosting Event. I was told to email the support group about it, which I did, and they responded that they'd fix it.
I got to 58 days, without the previous 68 being fixed yet, and lost my streak AGAIN, this time I had played MW2.
Then I got to 21 days and lost it again even after playing Gears again.
So I decided FUCK IT.
Now I don't have to worry about logging into a game for a few minutes just to save my damn streak. I can miss a day with not troubles.
I'm free, and I like it.
Re: Re: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears v2.0
01/10/10 4:11 pm | #270
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Now I don't have to worry about logging into a game for a few minutes just to save my damn streak. I can miss a day with not troubles.
I'm free, and I like it.
I'm free, and I like it.
Exactly - I had almost a 300 day streak and I was able to say screw it and now I'm less worried about playing a 360 game and will occasionally skip a day or two if I'm busy or playing another system.
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