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Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/14/12 1:34 am | #6271
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Meta:
.........Sir, where I come from, these are fighting words.
My name ye may blaspheme.
Me ye may blaspheme.
But woe unto you who dares assert that Witcher 2 is anything other than high-art and premium gaming!!
Didn't you get the memo? Everyone decided Witcher 2 is great. Your conflicting opinion is neither appreciated nor wanted!!
Is that why less than half the people who played it on TA didn't finish chapter 1? Yea... It must be amazing...
I liked it, atrocious map though, but I got bored when I got to act 2 and got side tracked like I always do, will get back to it eventually. 
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/14/12 1:47 am | #6272
Quote by Kat:
Contracting with a company to do work and get paid per document, so you don't pay attention to how long it takes, and just do it whenever- only to have the vp ask "so how long did this take you?" grrrr I need one of Mindy's rage comics!!!
As you wish...
I was torn on the ending. I wanted to do "boss is actually Dolan." But I couldn't really figure out a good way to do it.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/14/12 8:48 am | #6273
LOFL Mindy you are too cool for school, that comic was perfect. You win the internet.

I am ROFLcoptering the whole story and comic to my roommates and work contacts.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/14/12 9:25 am | #6274
Home dentistry grinds my gears.
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/14/12 11:33 am | #6275
Quote by Mindy:
Quote by Kat:
Contracting with a company to do work and get paid per document, so you don't pay attention to how long it takes, and just do it whenever- only to have the vp ask "so how long did this take you?" grrrr I need one of Mindy's rage comics!!!
As you wish...
I was torn on the ending. I wanted to do "boss is actually Dolan." But I couldn't really figure out a good way to do it.

This is freaking fantastic!!!! I love you!!!!
The funniest thing is I gave him an option of $25 an hour or a flat $50 per document. So I just inflated my time so either way it comes out to the same amount. But shit, dude.
Quote by Mercury Ice:
A little info to add to my post about driving, passing, and speed limits at the top of the page.
Where I live in New Jersey, cops are not very lenient. Not just about speed limits, about everything, so driving 10-15 over is something I try to avoid. I did overreact, though. I have anger problems, road rage, and a tendency to run my mouth on the internet safely behind my monitor. I apologize to anyone I might have offended or pissed off.
Specifically to IRiSH, I agree that passing lanes are for exactly that, but I wasn't talking about driving on a highway. I avoid them if I can since I have a shit car that doesn't do well over 65-70 MPH. I was speaking about the main road I take to work every day where the majority of the way it is 1 lane and 55 MPH. I generally do 60, sometimes a little more if I am feeling ballsy. Reason I don't go faster is being there is a state police barracks right on the way and lots of spots the staties like to hide.
I live along a 2 lane road with the speed limit of 55. It's a highway, but only 2 lanes cause it's farmy. It's curvy and winds around, so people seem to have trouble going fast. I always have to pass in no passing zones because I'm stuck behind people who can't maintain a speed. It's soooo frustrating. I really like to go 70. There's a stretch of road that widens to 2 lanes in one direction, so that helps me.
So today, I'm stuck behind someone going 50. Get to the passing lane area, and speed up to blow past them. In my rear view I see an SUV flying up at me. They had to have been doing 95. My first instinct is to speed up so they can't get in front of me, because I've lived here a long time and know these people never go as fast as they think they want to. But nooo, I maintain 70 and they blow past me.
As soon as it goes back to one lane, the bitch slams on her brakes and proceeds to go between 50-60 until I turn off the road. When I catch up with her, I see she's reading a magazine as she drives. No shitting, it was on top of the steering wheel. She speeds up in passing zones, and drops down to 50 when there are cars coming.
It's stuff like this that makes me mad when people talk about other people "driving too fast." But I learned my lesson, next time I speed up to 95 to keep from being passed.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/14/12 3:13 pm | #6276
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Home dentistry grinds my gears.
How come? 
Needle-nose pliers, latex gloves, painkillers, some high-proof alcohol, a bright LED mini flashlight and a small mirror. What's not to like?
The best part is gaming afterword while you chomp down on the gauze, and you're so cracked out on pills you don't notice the blood dripping on your controller and headset.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/14/12 5:44 pm | #6277
Having 1 bathroom in a house with 3 other people, 2 of which use the bathroom to smoke cigarettes.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/15/12 2:34 am | #6278
The level of stupidity by a lot of people on Xbox live, hell, people in general just amazes me sometimes 
This guy posted on x360a that he had yada yada yada card for sale or trade because his team was 'stacked' and he didn't need any of them, so I send him a nice friendly message starting off with hey man I have this and this blah blah, how much are you looking for coin wise if not for trade?
He responds with, 'ha none of those r even close'...spelled out just like that. I just wanted to respond back with, no fucking shit you god damn moron, hence me asking what you wanted coin wise as well since I'm fully aware my sub par legend cards aren't close to the 2 star legend cards, are you mentally retarded or socially inept? There's probably a reason no one else has dealt with you, because you're a fucking moron incapable of having a nice friendly back and forth chit chat via message. 
Edit: So he messages me back again saying he wants at least 100k for each card, which is pretty overpriced from what I can remember seeing in the auction house earlier so I say ok well what about the standard Calvin Johnson card then? Oh, I don't think I'm going to sell THAT card, my WRs are pretty weak...
Are you serious? I'm 99% sure that kid has some mental issues now.
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/15/12 6:38 pm | #6279
Quote by Meta:
Needle-nose pliers, latex gloves, painkillers, some high-proof alcohol, a bright LED mini flashlight and a small mirror. What's not to like?
Sounds like Meta's official XBA rape kit 

Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/15/12 7:47 pm | #6280
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Quote by Meta:
Needle-nose pliers, latex gloves, painkillers, some high-proof alcohol, a bright LED mini flashlight and a small mirror. What's not to like?
Sounds like Meta's official XBA rape kit

That and his "Free candy" van.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/15/12 9:43 pm | #6281
Finding out that you have a gas leak on your hot water tank after having it on for a day. At least I got to take a hot shower before the house blows up.
Also, I hooked up my stove today only to find out that the electric line for it was never put in the breaker box. This place is reminding me more and more of that movie Money Pit.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/15/12 11:14 pm | #6282
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Finding out that you have a gas leak on your hot water tank after having it on for a day. At least I got to take a hot shower before the house blows up.
Also, I hooked up my stove today only to find out that the electric line for it was never put in the breaker box. This place is reminding me more and more of that movie Money Pit.
Hopefully, you have checked the soundness of all of the upper floors.... 
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/15/12 11:59 pm | #6283
fix it so i dont have to request a xbox live update as my stuff hasnt updated in 4 days
and there are 24 people on trueachievements already playing borderlands 2 already in the u.s and canada and pisses me off
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/16/12 12:23 am | #6284
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Home dentistry grinds my gears.
I just pulled a kid's baby tooth. Still creeps me out after all these years.
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
09/16/12 12:28 am | #6285
Quote by Mindy:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Home dentistry grinds my gears.
I just pulled a kid's baby tooth. Still creeps me out after all these years.
It was an old root canal issue. I basically had to pull out bits and pieces of the remaining tooth that were lodged in the surrounding gums. No pain killers. Not because I wanted to be cool, I just didn't have any.
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