Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Some of us don't!

...but I guess I HAVE to know the difference.
Now today is only the 10th correct? She is on her 8th cell phone this month. I am not joking. She finds just 1 thing wrong with a phone and BAM! She gets another one. She doesn't even have a job and still drops $300 on a phone a week. Neither her or her husband has a job. She wastes her husbands SSI checks to buy new cell phones. She'll spend $300 on a phone at the first of the month and she'll sell that one by the end of the week for $50 and gets another.
Once her husband's SSI runs out, she'll use her dad's credit card and buys another phone for another $300. Then she'll complain that "they don't have any money to buy anything". STOP WASTING SO MUCH MONEY ON A DAMN CELL PHONE AND YOU WILL! I'm so close to just screaming at her at the top of my lungs at how pathetic she is. But noooooo, my wife won't let me say anything to her. What gets me the most is that she'll tell people how "poor" they are and they can't afford anything, then ask for handouts.
It's her husbands money and she won't even let the poor bastard buy batteries with it. Not joking one bit. He tried buying 6 cans of Vienna Sausages the other day and she screamed at him, in the middle of the store, to put them back because they can't afford it. They were 2 for $1.
I can't stand them. I want nothing more than to have bad things happen to them. Never in my life have I hated someone like I hate those two. If anyone wants anymore stories of those two, let me know, I have some good ones.
I'm with you, though. I'm all for govt benefits helping the needy, but I can't stand the entitled lifestyle some people want to live. If you don't have a job, and your bf/ husband doesn't have a job, you have no business with smartphones. Or alcohol. Or trying to get pregnant. If you want nice things, you should be willing to work for them. Of course, when you're EARNING your income, what you do with it is nobody's business.
Quote by Kat:
I'm with you, though. I'm all for govt benefits helping the needy, but I can't stand the entitled lifestyle some people want to live. If you don't have a job, and your bf/ husband doesn't have a job, you have no business with smartphones. Or alcohol. Or trying to get pregnant. If you want nice things, you should be willing to work for them. Of course, when you're EARNING your income, what you do with it is nobody's business.
Amen, sister, Amen. Benefits should be for those that need.
P.S. If I had said this it would start a war so I’m glad you did instead.
Quote by E Rock 31:
Quote by Kat:
I'm with you, though. I'm all for govt benefits helping the needy, but I can't stand the entitled lifestyle some people want to live. If you don't have a job, and your bf/ husband doesn't have a job, you have no business with smartphones. Or alcohol. Or trying to get pregnant. If you want nice things, you should be willing to work for them. Of course, when you're EARNING your income, what you do with it is nobody's business.
Amen, sister, Amen. Benefits should be for those that need.
P.S. If I had said this it would start a war so I’m glad you did instead.
define "war"

Quote by Chaind Insanity:
Quote by E Rock 31:
Amen, sister, Amen. Benefits should be for those that need.
P.S. If I had said this it would start a war so I’m glad you did instead.
define "war"

People would start throwing money at him in exchange for oil, I think...
See that 10, I threw that.
Hopefully someone gets the reference (probably IRiSH).
Despite his disability he still went on to graduate from college with a masters in English Literature and makes a modest living as a part time English instructor at the local campus of Bowling Green State U. He would not have been able to get through college without the assistance of government social programs for the disabled. If Republicans had there way, they would do away with the Americans with Disabilities Act and leave people like my cousin to fend for themselves.
Quote by AJ:
See that 10, I threw that.
Hopefully someone gets the reference (probably IRiSH).
You know it.
Quote by IRiSH:
Despite his disability he still went on to graduate from college with a masters in English Literature and makes a modest living as a part time English instructor at the local campus of Bowling Green State U. He would not have been able to get through college without the assistance of government social programs for the disabled. If Republicans had there way, they would do away with the Americans with Disabilities Act and leave people like my cousin to fend for themselves.
Well, I'm not a republican, so idk. I believe the 2 party system is a joke and the elections are rigged, I guess that makes me a tinfoil hat party member. I don't fully agree with any one candidate, or political ideology, I'm just sick of the excess while others are starving. I think there's no capitalism left in America, nor is Socialism flooding us, it's Corporatism... Straight up greed. It sucks. And the greedy seem to be who get ahead, even on welfare. :-/
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