Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by xMike:

That is commitment.
Quote by Bubbles:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I actually really don't mind it. It's definitely not my favorite, but I don't think it's terrible.
I think they should add Creepy to our available Text styles. I would totally use that.
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Better than that annoying whispering woman in the Restasis commercials.
Oh god, but I hate those KMart layaway commercials... We get it, KMart- men are the most retarded beings on the planet, and couldn't do anything without their wives.
Speaking of that, how annoying is that chick from the 5 hour energy commercial??? Does anyone actually feel like they relate to a woman who spends the first 30 seconds you meet her ripping the crap out of her husband????
Yeah, I miss the old Restasis spots with that hot chick from Northern Exposure. I also couldn't agree more about those 5 hour energy spots but I dislike their other one more. The one where they're talking about the 2:30 feeling and that fugly chick with the bright red hair and horse nose is nodding off in a meeting.

Quote by Melissa Evol:
I know right, she should be ripping the cap off the mayo jar to put the finishing touches on her husbands sammich.

walked up to TWO women and asked about the Kinect, in which there response was that they didn't have any yet because they dont come out until NEXT MONDAY ( bitch...your wrong)
By the time I got her lazy ass to go in the back and physically look for a kinect.....after 45 minutes.......She came back out with the console/kinect bundle........i hate wal-mart....what a wonderful wasted trip...I ended up cussing everyone in the electronics department out....sumbitches
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