Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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I was very understanding when the site was crapping out the first few days after release, but it's been weeks now. This is why they shouldn't do retarded Achievements like that.
Not to mention that the Boston and NIN ones are glitched for me.
4 of the people that were playing were level 10 with gold stars next to their level but none of them had the Wanted achievement that requires you to Achieve the highest personal rank in multiplayer, which is level 10. And they all killed me with 1 shot, no matter where they hit me. I unload a clip, they don't die, they shoot me in the foot, I die.
Quote by Taco:
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
Science did this how? Science is often wrong btw.
well it wasnt totally science...they used actual medical reasonings to back this up. here, see for yourself. theyre actually pretty reasonable/logical explanations..
You can't use cracked as your scientific source lol. It's a comedy site.
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
Quote by Taco:
well it wasnt totally science...they used actual medical reasonings to back this up. here, see for yourself. theyre actually pretty reasonable/logical explanations..
You can't use cracked as your scientific source lol. It's a comedy site.
but you cant deny it, tho are still legit facts/reasonings that a zombie apocalypse could never happen. comedy site or note, thats pretty logical reasons
Quote by Taco:
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
You can't use cracked as your scientific source lol. It's a comedy site.
but you cant deny it, tho are still legit facts/reasonings that a zombie apocalypse could never happen. comedy site or note, thats pretty logical reasons
Logical if we assume that any zombie would be some sort of already dead human reanimated, yes. But what about a disease/plague that affects people like in I Am Legend?
Those were basically zombies, but they had contracted a disease to which some people were immune. If zombies can only be rotting flesh then the link you posted is sound logic. I think a zombie apolcalypse is so ridiculously improbable it's hardly worth talking about but to say it is impossible is something I am unwilling to do.
Quote by Minioger:
Logical if we assume that any zombie would be some sort of already dead human reanimated, yes. But what about a disease/plague that affects people like in I Am Legend?
Those were basically zombies, but they had contracted a disease to which some people were immune. If zombies can only be rotting flesh then the link you posted is sound logic. I think a zombie apolcalypse is so ridiculously improbable it's hardly worth talking about but to say it is impossible is something I am unwilling to do.
I am Legend was about vampirism spread like the plague so technically that's in the vampire genre. Undead zombies are biologically impossible. Once the body is dead and blood no longer moves through our veins distributing oxygen, every cell begins to break down and rigor mortis would make undead animation impossible. The zombies that freak me out are the infected zombies like in 28 Days Later.
Quote by Mo the Surfer:

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