Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by Ellahjay88:
Quote by AJ:
You're preaching to the choir. I hate playing a game and having to get up and go do something, you hit the guide button then 10 minutes later you come back and you're dead, back a checkpoint or just wasted 10 hours in the game!
omg i totally agree thats happened to the point where some games im like fuck it and stop playing it for a while lol
Quote by Ellahjay88:
Quote by Ellahjay88:
Except it wasnt a computer, it was my TV. I gave it to them 3 times and it was always sent back with the same problem. Eventually I had to throw a fuckin fit and make the floor manager give me a new TV. It worked...

I'm so fucking sick of everybody shoehorning zombies into every single game. Red Dead Redemption with zombies? Are you fucking kidding? This shit is absurd.
Quote by theEVOL1:
I'm so fucking sick of everybody shoehorning zombies into every single game. Red Dead Redemption with zombies? Are you fucking kidding? This shit is absurd.
Very true.
However, have you played the Undead Nightmare Pack for RDR? Its pretty god damn awesome.
Quote by theEVOL1:
I'm so fucking sick of everybody shoehorning zombies into every single game. Red Dead Redemption with zombies? Are you fucking kidding? This shit is absurd.
Quote by theEVOL1:
I'm so fucking sick of everybody shoehorning zombies into every single game. Red Dead Redemption with zombies? Are you fucking kidding? This shit is absurd.
Agreed....Zombies, and 3D...I'm getting sick with both of them.
they have a yogi bear movie coming out......WITH 3D?!....are you freaking kidding me?!
Quote by iKidd:
Quote by theEVOL1:
I'm so fucking sick of everybody shoehorning zombies into every single game. Red Dead Redemption with zombies? Are you fucking kidding? This shit is absurd.
Agreed....Zombies, and 3D...I'm getting sick with both of them.
they have a yogi bear movie coming out......WITH 3D?!....are you freaking kidding me?!
ya know, youd think that w/ as many things that have zombie lately as there is...that people would change the "zombie walk" that they sorry, but quite frankly ive never seen a zombie ALWAYS walking around, dragging/limping one foot, arms up by his side, mouth open, and limpin/draggin his leg/foot like every game ive played w/ zombies, and every movie ive seen w/ zombies, the zombie might stumble around (if not just kinda stand around not doin much) but as soon as he sees a person he stops, screams, and fucking BOLTS towards them.
and yet, i still see the leg dragging, slow, zombie walks done by people...i am disappoint...
Quote by Durtie:

Thats a thriller joke for the young ones, lol.
lol i got it

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