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Sticky: Xbox America Trade In Center
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Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/02/11 3:26 pm | #1366
Quote by Kizyrix:
Trading my Truth or Lies for Cuddly Aardvarks 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
Confirming. Shipping out tomorrow.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/04/11 12:12 am | #1367
Ok, so I know I have neglected my duties here, even after getting my laptop about 2 weeks ago. But I just could not bring myself to update with the touch pad, I hate that piece of shit.
I bought a mouse tonight for it, so I will 100% update all this tomorrow after work. I promise everybody. I am sorry I have delayed it so long.
Note to myself - start at post # 1337
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/04/11 6:47 pm | #1368
Quote by MTB Mamba:
Trading my Lego Batman for Spanky OO7's Green Day Rock Band
Pretty sure this trade is dead as he hasn't shipped and stopped returning PM's
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/05/11 9:06 pm | #1369
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/06/11 11:08 am | #1370
Shipped Truth of Lies to Cuddly Aardvark today. Confirmation number was sent via PM
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/06/11 11:49 pm | #1371
Who do i message to add my games to the trade list?
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/06/11 11:51 pm | #1372
Quote by edthechamp:
Who do i message to add my games to the trade list?
Me. I am behind, I usually try to update every few days, but some personal stuff went down here, and then I was just being lazy....
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/08/11 7:09 am | #1373
Hey Evil my list needs to be updated. Please remove everything but Forza 2 and you still need to dissolve the trade that Miztian and I were gonna do. I think I sent you a PM a while back telling you that we weren't gonna do the trade anymore. But if you could update that would be awesome
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/09/11 6:49 pm | #1374
Received 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand from Cuddly Aardvark yesterday
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/09/11 9:26 pm | #1375
Quote by Kizyrix:
Please remove CSI: Hard Evidence from my list
Quote by s8g irish geek:
Can you remove the following from my list:
Red Faction Gurrilla
Medal of Honor
Call of Duty 4
These were given to my brother for birthday.
Quote by Kizyrix:
Received X-Men Origins: Wolverine from CannibalX88
Quote by CannibalX88:
Received Iron Man from Kiz
Removed both games, as trade is complete.
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Can you please add Resident Evil 5 to my list, please?
Quote by MTB Mamba:
Please add MLB 2k11 to my list
Quote by AJ:
I have an extra power cord and brick for the non-slim xbox models. I was going to trade it in to gamestop but they'd only give me 20 bucks for. Maybe someone will want to trade something for it.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
remove duke nukem forever and dungeon siege 3 from my list add:
Star Wars force unleashed 2
Removed and Added.
Quote by MizTian Cage:
Take Condemned and FF11 off my list.
FYE gave me 4 bucks in trade for Condemned.

Quote by Cuddly Aardvark:
I would add 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. Comes with original case and manual.
Quote by Major Kilowatt:
I would like to join this.
(*I would prefer if multiple games were traded at one time to minimise shipping costs*)
My list:
(These games have no case or booklet.)
Bully:Scholarship Edition
Call of duty 4
Gears of War
Rainbow Six Vegas 1
Saints Row
Black Xbox 360 Controller
(I will also trade games for meseta

Added. Welcome to the Trade Thread, make sure you become familiar with the rules in post # 3.
Quote by CannibalX88:
Trading Too Human for Junior Mint's Borderlands DLC disc. Shipping on Monday.
Noted. I added Too Human to your list for this trade.
Quote by Ashley:
Hmm I needa get my list back up. There's at least 30 games im wanting to trade/sell

Just message me your list Ash, you're still Blue from your trade with me. 
Quote by Gaanjaa:
Removing Fight Night Round 4, and adding TMNT.
Can trade all at once for the right deal.
Removed and Added.
Quote by Subliminal Hero:
how do i donate a game to the cause, just finished nba 2k6 and i dont want it anymore
Donating games is for the Waffle Thread, but you must be Blue here to do that. Let me know if you want added to the Trade Thread list...
Quote by Spanky OO7:
I would just like to say that I could have a few games to trade for The Trade-In Center.
NBA 2k10
Fallout 3
Call Of Duty 3 - Not original Case But protected GameStop case
Green Day RockBand
Tiger Woods PGA Tour '07
Added. Welcome to the Trade Thread. Make sure you read and understand the rules in post # 3.
Quote by MTB Mamba:
My updated list should be...
Lego Batman
Modern Warfare 2
NCAA Football 11
Dragon Age Origins Collectors Edition
Dirt 2
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Tomb Raider Underworld
Midnight Club LA
Skate 2
Tiger Woods 10
Forza 3 / Halo 3 ODST Combo
MLB 2K11
White Chatpad and Headset
List Updated.
Quote by MTB Mamba:
Trading my Lego Batman for Spanky OO7's Green Day Rock Band
Quote by Cuddly Aardvark:
Quote by Kizyrix:
Trading my Truth or Lies for Cuddly Aardvarks 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
Confirming. Shipping out tomorrow.
Quote by MTB Mamba:
Quote by MTB Mamba:
Trading my Lego Batman for Spanky OO7's Green Day Rock Band
Pretty sure this trade is dead as he hasn't shipped and stopped returning PM's
I have messaged him in reguards to the pending trade.
Quote by Kizyrix:
Shipped Truth of Lies to Cuddly Aardvark today. Confirmation number was sent via PM
Quote by edthechamp:
Who do i message to add my games to the trade list?
I have PM'ed you about your list.
Quote by Doc:
Hey Evil my list needs to be updated. Please remove everything but Forza 2 and you still need to dissolve the trade that Miztian and I were gonna do. I think I sent you a PM a while back telling you that we weren't gonna do the trade anymore. But if you could update that would be awesome
List updated.
Quote by Kizyrix:
Received 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand from Cuddly Aardvark yesterday
Sorry for the delay everyone. I will be back now to regular updates.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/09/11 9:49 pm | #1376
Can you remove Saints Row from my list please.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/09/11 10:23 pm | #1377
Cannibal should have gotten the borderlands dlc disc already
You can remove lego indy 2 and lost odyssey from my list
Please add the following:
Quantum Theory
Army of Two
Shaun white Skateboarding
Too Human
Fallout New Vegas
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/09/11 11:19 pm | #1378
Just got it today! - Trade Complete
Thanks for the goodies too!
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/12/11 1:55 am | #1379
Quote by Kizyrix:
Received 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand from Cuddly Aardvark yesterday
Received 'Truth or Lies' from Kizyrix today. Trade complete.
That was my third trade, who do I talk to about getting my badge?
Re: Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/12/11 2:12 am | #1380
Quote by Cuddly Aardvark:
Quote by Kizyrix:
Received 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand from Cuddly Aardvark yesterday
Received 'Truth or Lies' from Kizyrix today. Trade complete.
That was my third trade, who do I talk to about getting my badge?

Hektic, harass that guy once a day at least until it shows up.
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