Private message AJ with a game or games you plan to donate to the Waffle Order.
Since there are not a lot of games available to donate a one time monetary donation can be made to join the thread, this donation must be at least $25 (you may donate more if you wish). This donation might be used to purchase new games or I might buy Taco Bell with it. Either way, joining will not be free. This will hopefully deter members from being giant bags of dirty douche water.
No duplicate games are allowed for donation. Once you have shipped the game out to the designated member you will be added to the list and can receive games. You do not receive your donation back, the millisecond the game reaches its first waffler, the game becomes property of Xbox America. To speed up the process of joining, I will let you know to whom to ship the game. If you have any questions please feel free to private message me.
1) Games will start at the first person on the list and make their way to the final person on the list. Once a game has made it through the list once, it will be retired. Once a game is retired I will hold on to it. Once a game is retired and I have had the game more than 3 months without anyone renting it, it may be traded in towards a newer game for the order.
2) All games will have a 2 week limit (not including shipping times). The time limit starts once you receive your game. If you do not finish your game in the time given you will need to ship it to the next person on the list. If you do not, you will not be allowed to participate until your game has been shipped. Any games that were scheduled to be sent to you will skip you and go to the next person in line. You will have the opprotunity to rent them again once the game is retired.
3) People will only be allowed 2 games at at time. Since the Xbox One doesn't have very many games and none of them are waffles, 2 games will be the limit. This will also help to minimize loss if a member goes awol or the thread dies.
4) Once the games no longer have any members that are waiting on them, they will be sent to me for retirement. I will be holding onto them until other members request them later on, but as stated previously, after 3 months they mad be traded in for newer games.
5) Your spot on the list is permanent. There will be no moving up or down regardless of your schedule. The only way you'll be moved is if I feel there's a reason to do so. If you're too busy to play a game, it will skip you and you will be able to rent it once it becomes retired.
6) Anyone shipping a game to a member or non-member not in the waffle order rotation will automatically be removed from the rotation once the game(s) they possess have been shipped out.
7) Any games in retirement that a member would like to rent, please contact me. I will be holding ALL of the retired games. To borrow a retired game simply private message me your address and list the game you would like. You will then have 3 weeks upon receiving your game to finish it and send it back to me. If you need more time on a retired game, private message me as to why (i.e. game length, busy schedule, laziness) and I will let you know if someone else is waiting for it or not. If someone else is waiting for it, you will have to ship it out and can rent the game again once it's available.
8) If a game you want from the retired list has been pulled out of retirement by another member, I will gladly put you on a waiting list for that game then have it shipped to you once it has reached the 3 week limit with the member currently holding it. Delivery confirmation is suggested for all game shipments but not required. If a game goes missing, it will be between the shipper and receiver to find out why it went missing and ultimately it will have to be replaced by the shipper or receiver (or they could split it). We've had a good history with the 100+ games previously with only one or two going missing.
9) I will have a master list of the games (probably in the 3rd post and I will keep track of who the games will be shipped to, when they are shipped and when they arrive. When you are ready to ship a game, private message the member you are shipping it to to get their address or any other information you may need and I will keep the thread updated accordingly.
1) Anyone late on shipping a game will be out of rotation until the late game is shipped. You're not the only person who wants to play the game. People were kind enough to DONATE these games, don't be a prick and ruin it for everyone else, the rules are more harsh this time around. If you're late 3 times without valid reasons, you're gone.
2) Anyone who has a lost/missing game cannot receive more games until the missing game is replaced.
3) If an individual is found to have lost or damaged games multiple times, they will be removed from the thread, no questions asked.
4) If you break any of these rules or stray from the guidelines 3 times you're out of the order and will not be allowed back in unless you donate any game the majority of the order can decide on. It will be a newer $60 game.
5) If these are too hard for anyone to follow and you think you've bit off more than you can chew, get in contact with me and ship me whatever game you currently have.
6) Rules are subject to change as I see fit. Simply by joining the order means you have agreed and accepted all these rules. I reserve ALL THE RIGHTS to discipline members as I see fit; from public stoning to growing bamboo under your fingernails.
1) Donations are always accepted unless the game you're trying to donate is already in the order. Donations can be games, money to put towards new games, or money/games to help a member who has broken/lost a game.
2) Please contact me if you would like to donate any additional games or money to go towards additional games or the upkeep of the order. I will publicly announce any donations made (unless you'd rather be anonymous and trust me with your monies).
REPLY TO EVERY SINGLE PRIVATE MESSAGE. It doesn't matter if you don't want a game, just reply or the game will skip you. I'm not going to be very lenient with this thread. Follow the rules and everything will run smoothly. Break the rules and I'll find you.
Please post in this thread when you receive or ship games, this way I will be able to update the posts accordingly.