I bought the Gears of War 3 season pass last night, so when I loaded up the game the pass kicked on, and told me their were downloads. So the first one came up the "Horde mode pack", and I downloaded it in like 15-30 seconds. Then "Raam's Shadow Pack-2" came up and I tried to download it, but it wouldn't complete the download. It just sat at 1% all night.
I eventually shut off my x-box and went to bed. Normally I run my x-box wirelessly (like last night), but I figured it might go faster if I wired it. So this morning I ran it wired and I tried the download again. Same problem it stayed at 1% for like 4 hours.
So I went in my memory and deleted the file, and tried again. Same thing. At this point I had exhausted all of my known options, so I called Microsoft. The person I talked to had me do everything I had already done, then clear my cache, and then power down my x-box and modem, and try again. Same problem. He then said he was sending the issue up and I would get a call back in like 8 days. Not really time appropriate as far as I am concerned....but what can you do.
I am pretty sure it is not my connection as I can still play multiplayer, and my speed keeps me at pace with others. I am still accessing live's other features (EX: movies, music, and t.v. shows), and my game updates go rather quickly. I have tested my connection to live several times, and it connects fine.
Any ideas?