Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - (too?) simplistic beat em up

Developer: Magic Pockets
Publisher: Activision
Genre: beat 'em up
Subgenre: 2.5D brawler
Players: 1-4 local only
Rated: E10+ for Everyone 10 and up (comic mischief, fantasy violence)
Yes, it's another TMNT game for the 360, not to be confused with the recently released Out of the Shadows XBLA title. This time it's based on the Nickelodeon animated series that began in 2012.
So far, this game has come the closest to capturing the spirit of the 1989 arcade beat 'em up that was so popular. Even though this game uses a 3d engine and allows for some lateral movement, it is still effectively a linear, "side scrolling" brawling-type game.
The visuals are serviceable if not great; the voice overs are straight out of the show but the music and sound effects are surprisingly bad.
This game is short, which is both a positive and negative aspect. There are 16 levels in the story/campaign but they start recycling halfway through. There are suvival, time attack and minigame modes that unlock but take place on the same stages.
The combat mechanics are very simple, perhaps too much so for their own good. The game rewards you for using the same combo string repeatedly--mindlessly mashing the X button will defeat enemies more quickly and give you more points than if you use environmental objects, throws or sub-weapons.
This is definitely not the worst TMNT game out there, and its simplicity may actually be a good thing for gamers wanting to play with their kids. Its sub-5 hour campaign and lack of online multiplayer are unforgivable for a retail release, especially a licensed product from a huge publisher.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles gets a 6.5 out of 10 and is only recommended to die-hard fans and wafflers.

+ simple beat 'em up action captures arcade spirit well
+ collectibles are reasonably easy to find & make sense in the game's world
+ you can throw bad guys at the screen like in Turtles in Time
- only upgraded special attack differentiates the 4 turtles
- weak, tinny sound effects
- little level variety
- no online multiplayer
? why don't the bros use terrible surfer lingo anymore
Extras: None. They missed a good opportunity for avatar items and gamerpics.
Achievements: Very easy and most come naturally during play. You will have to replay every level a second time in Time Attack mode but total playtime will still be under 5 hours for the 1000G completion.