Archived: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
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Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:46 am | #61
>.>; Why not?
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:46 am | #62
Ladies first doesn't apply when I called it already.
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:47 am | #63
Does so.
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:48 am | #64
Quote by HouseMDfan:
Does so.
No it doesn't. Do some basic research on the rules of calling things.
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:49 am | #65
Ladies first always applies to anything. That always applies to being a gentleman I guess.
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:49 am | #66
Bah. Calling things doesn't work on a forum. Varying load speeds and so forth. Unfair advantages
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:49 am | #67
God its like watching bickering 5 year olds. Lol
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:51 am | #68
It's the 21st century, women are powerful now and we why should I follow some rule from the 1800's when we're talking about free stuff.
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:54 am | #69
Well today in the elevator at school there was me and two other guys. One of them said 'ladies first' and let me get off first >_> Chivalry isn't dead you know, it's just hibernating.
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:55 am | #70
Quote by HouseMDfan:
Well today in the elevator at school there was me and two other guys. One of them said 'ladies first' and let me get off first >_> Chivalry isn't dead you know, it's just hibernating.
I know. Ladies first applies to holding the door or elevator, even receiving food, but definitely NOT to free merch.
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:56 am | #71
Well i was raised by an only mother, so sorry uk fan, but i have to go with the respect i was raised to have, ladies first. Ill tell you guys when i get some new promo gear. Ill grab up everything i can
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 12:58 am | #72
Sweet! -gives thumbs up- You're my new favorite person (Don't tell my girlfriend. )
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 1:02 am | #73
Quote by Crusified Ninja:
Well i was raised by an only mother, so sorry uk fan, but i have to go with the respect i was raised to have, ladies first. Ill tell you guys when i get some new promo gear. Ill grab up everything i can
Jeez, some kind of internet friend you are... :cry:
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 1:03 am | #74
Backstabbers, the lot of online friends.
Re: syztem_x: apology when it is needed.
08/22/07 1:05 am | #75
Quote by HouseMDfan:
Sweet! -gives thumbs up- You're my new favorite person (Don't tell my girlfriend. )
Lol i wont, and Ukfan, that doesnt mean im not gonna grab up stuff for you as well. She just gets first pick, though i will make sure its even and you both get fair chance at stuff.