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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/21/12 10:19 pm | #10891
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by AJ:
It doesn't scare me at all. If it happens I won't play anymore.
why? its just numbers
you wouldnt even play for fun?

Nope, I'd be done.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/21/12 10:22 pm | #10892
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Detroit:
why? its just numbers
you wouldnt even play for fun?

Nope, I'd be done.
because you feel like you'd been robbed or something?
I mean I get it. If my Gamerscore was around 200k and that shit didn't carry over.... 
Re: Random Thoughts
09/21/12 10:34 pm | #10893
Loving FIFA 13!! Amazing game and better than the demo
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/21/12 11:38 pm | #10894
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by AJ:
Nope, I'd be done.
because you feel like you'd been robbed or something?
I mean I get it. If my Gamerscore was around 200k and that shit didn't carry over....
I don't think Microsoft will ever get rid of gamerscore, don't they have a whole department devoted to all things gamerscore? I mean, they have all these rules and shit for developers so I'd assume they do, plus tech and feedback.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/21/12 11:42 pm | #10895
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by AJ:
Everything will.
Yeah I hope so. But like I said, I could see them making people start with zero even with an old account, and instead of your old score just give you some gay ass star or something.
It could happen. I know it scares you lol. I could give two shits tho. I only wasted a small amount of time playing stupid games for GS on this account and same for my old one.
I think the gamercards should just have 2 numbers- 360 gs and the next Xbox gs. Keep em separate. Everyone starts the new console as equals, and still have a reminder of the past. It wouldn't be console suicide any more than not having achievements at all would be (check sales numbers for consoles without gs- all Nintendo consoles, ps1, ps2, all handhelds before vita... they all sell/sold huge numbers).
Of course they PROBABLY will just make it like gfwl and wp7 adding to one score. They've set up a long term business model that it wouldn't make sense to change- after all, which score would wp8 games go on if they're separate? I just don't think the console would fail if they didn't.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/22/12 9:17 am | #10896
Monday Time Warner will finally be here to hook up our cable. It's about time too because I'm sick of standing in the kitchen with the laptop pointed to the neighbors house stealing their internet. Plus I can't get on Live but for some reason I can get on the PSN just fine. Even though they are sitting right next to each other.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/22/12 5:31 pm | #10897
Thank god my work has internet access... it's so boring on weekends
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10898
Re: Random Thoughts
09/22/12 10:12 pm | #10899
After I watch the game tomorrow.... I'm gonna knock out a shit ton of homework.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/22/12 10:16 pm | #10900
Quote by Detroit:
After I watch the game tomorrow.... I'm gonna knock out a shit ton of homework.
I used to say that too often, then I would get distracted by something and get very little done. Now, I just do a little everyday. If you can get it all done like you said, more power to ya.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10901
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/22/12 10:29 pm | #10902
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Detroit:
After I watch the game tomorrow.... I'm gonna knock out a shit ton of homework.
I used to say that too often, then I would get distracted by something and get very little done. Now, I just do a little everyday. If you can get it all done like you said, more power to ya.
Its worked for the past year. Sort of. Sometimes I'll drift and end up watching random shit on youtube for like an hour. But either way I get done what I need to get done.
Im sort of doing what you do. Getting a little done here and there. I actually dont have anything due till later in the week. But instead of doing a little, im just take out huge chunks of works. And even complete work that isn't due for a while.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/22/12 10:37 pm | #10903
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I used to say that too often, then I would get distracted by something and get very little done. Now, I just do a little everyday. If you can get it all done like you said, more power to ya.
Its worked for the past year. Sort of. Sometimes I'll drift and end up watching random shit on youtube for like an hour. But either way I get done what I need to get done.
Im sort of doing what you do. Getting a little done here and there. I actually dont have anything due till later in the week. But instead of doing a little, im just take out huge chunks of works. And even complete work that isn't due for a while.
I really wish I could do that, I can't my head in the game for that long.
What was I saying...?
Re: Random Thoughts
09/22/12 10:41 pm | #10904
Realms of Ancient Wars sucks ass. im really bummed i bought it. it looked friggen cool in the screenshots, and seemed like a decent hack n slash. well, there went 1200 M$. -___-
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/22/12 11:20 pm | #10905
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Time fuckin Warner finally reached a deal to get the NFL Network! I'm so happy to be able to finally watch it

This, saw it this morning, pretty sweet 
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