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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/25/12 7:45 pm | #10936
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
A Vegas wedding is very cool!! Not many people are going to show up, so it will be a small gathering. If it was close by EVERYONE would show up! Big weddings are fun, but they are also a pain in the ass to run and plan for...not to mention EXPENSIVE!!
Seriously. Both my brothers live out in LA now so most of her family lives out there and most of his family lives back here in Ohio.
LA to Vegas isn't that much of a drive, so he may have a larger gathering than I had originally thought. I hope he isn't obligated to pay for their hotel expenses.... 
Re: Random Thoughts
09/25/12 8:22 pm | #10937
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I like you more when you stay away

Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/25/12 10:28 pm | #10938
Quote by IRiSH:
So my newly engaged younger brother (I'm the middle of 3) and his fiance want a Vegas wedding in December. Hmmmm.
Make sure no one slips you a roofie. If you've learned anything from movies, be sure you get your own drinks and food.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/25/12 11:53 pm | #10939
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by IRiSH:
Seriously. Both my brothers live out in LA now so most of her family lives out there and most of his/our family lives back here in Ohio.
LA to Vegas isn't that much of a drive, so he may have a larger gathering than I had originally thought. I hope he isn't obligated to pay for their hotel expenses....
No he won't. Nothing's set yet but I'm guessing everyone is gonna have to pay their own way so that may make the turn out small like you originally guessed but I take it most of her family is pretty well off. Pretty sure her grandfather owns a number of apartment buildings and other properties out there.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/25/12 11:58 pm | #10940
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
LA to Vegas isn't that much of a drive, so he may have a larger gathering than I had originally thought. I hope he isn't obligated to pay for their hotel expenses....
No he won't. Nothing's set yet but I'm guessing everyone is gonna have to pay their own way so that may make the turn out small like you originally guessed but I take it most of her family is pretty well off. Pretty sure her grandfather owns a number of apartment buildings and other properties out there.
A bunch of property in LA?? CHA-CHING!!!!! Jackpot!! Your brother is a lucky bastage!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/26/12 12:08 am | #10941
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by IRiSH:
No he won't. Nothing's set yet but I'm guessing everyone is gonna have to pay their own way so that may make the turn out small like you originally guessed but I take it most of her family is pretty well off. Pretty sure her grandfather owns a number of apartment buildings and other properties out there.
A bunch of property in LA?? CHA-CHING!!!!! Jackpot!! Your brother is a lucky bastage!!!
Well he's lucky cause she's an amazing woman but from what I've learned of her family history, they're prolly not in line to inherit much if anything but you never know. Her parents either divorced years ago or were never married to begin with and it's her mom's side of the family with the money and they hate her dad and treat her kinda shitty. Drama.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/26/12 12:20 am | #10942
So apparently I'm looking at a $25000 minimum minor shoulder injury compensation from a car accident. By very minor I mean a pinch in my shoulder blade.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10943
Re: Random Thoughts
09/26/12 3:31 am | #10944
Your girlfriend is fucking awesome, man. Marry her.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/26/12 12:36 pm | #10945
I wish the Borderlands 2 thread could be more about the game and we could have a separate thread for duping stuff.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/26/12 7:13 pm | #10946
Our town's homecoming parade is going down our street right now.
Think I'll go out and piss on it.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/26/12 7:38 pm | #10947
Quote by Cruz:
Thee gf just paid off RE6 for me randomly <3
Mine did that for me, but at the comic shop with my Mass Effect 3 figures.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/26/12 10:15 pm | #10948
saw this and thought of AJ
Re: Random Thoughts
09/26/12 11:27 pm | #10949
That headlines makes my head want to explode...
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/27/12 12:21 am | #10950
Quote by IRiSH:
Our town's homecoming parade is going down our street right now.
Think I'll go out and piss on it.

Lol, ours is tomorrow. My kid's in the band, so I guess I'll lurch on out there and troll him a bit. Then I'll troll him at the game Friday, and try to make him take pictures with his mommy.
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