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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 5:00 am | #10771
Quote by kroberts11:
I get so infatuated with the weirdest things.
Haha, same here. I waste hours just reading about random shit and it can really spiral out of control fast. Like today... I was supposed to be studying, but I ended up watching videos of people feeding crickets to black widows for like an hour 
Another Random Thought - I've BARELY been playing my PS Vita. I'm debating on whether or not to trade it in for the Wii U
Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 11:48 am | #10772
I guess Mindy is selling her car...
Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 12:22 pm | #10773
Holy cow... It's my dream to get 289k miles on a car!
Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 1:24 pm | #10774
Picking one of these up very soon!
Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 1:25 pm | #10775
just got tickets to a free wiz khalifa concert tomorrow that also has free booze.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 2:45 pm | #10776
Quote by AJ:
Picking one of these up very soon!

You been working out?
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Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 2:55 pm | #10777
I'm touched that you noticed.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 2:57 pm | #10778
I really hate pooping even though I feel much better after I do.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 3:07 pm | #10779
OMFG, I try to come in here and read a civilized random thoughts thread and all of a sudden Irish is touching AJ and Mindy is trying to sell her deathtrap junker and Mercury Ice is pooping with the door open.
WTF is the matter with you people? You're sick.
All of you.
Snap come pick me up for the show. I'm not big into his positive, life affirming music but free booze is great and his fans are incredible.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 3:17 pm | #10780
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
just got tickets to a free wiz khalifa concert tomorrow that also has free booze.
Wiz came to Auburn last year and said he'd never come back. reason: all the white people were in the club, all the black people were at the gate cause they couldnt afford to get in. although i hear according to my stoner friend he had the greatest time outside the gate because all the mad black people just dropped whatever food they had on the ground (he said he found an entire bag of pretzels, half bag of funyuns, and a faygo)
another point:
this is the most active ive been in evar! woohoo for free BAM wifi!
other points:
Killzone HD comes out next month. i guess i gotta go get another PS3 now. awesome.
Black Mesa (the Half-Life remake) has a greenlight on Steam. it should be out within a week i believe.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 4:23 pm | #10781
Why would you go to a concert if you don't have the money for tickets? Who does that? And who gets mad about it? Also, who eats food off the ground?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 4:30 pm | #10782
Quote by Kat:
Why would you go to a concert if you don't have the money for tickets? Who does that? And who gets mad about it? Also, who eats food off the ground?
you forget, im in ALABAMA. the ignorance level is >9K, maybe they thought they could get in for free since it was Wiz. who knows about my friend......he may have a few screws loose. or the pollen could be high. very high. amirite?
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10783
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 4:36 pm | #10784
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Chaind Insanity:
Wiz came to Auburn last year and said he'd never come back. reason: all the white people were in the club, all the black people were at the gate cause they couldnt afford to get in. although i hear according to my stoner friend he had the greatest time outside the gate because all the mad black people just dropped whatever food they had on the ground (he said he found an entire bag of pretzels, half bag of funyuns, and a faygo)
another point:
this is the most active ive been in evar! woohoo for free BAM wifi!
other points:
Killzone HD comes out next month. i guess i gotta go get another PS3 now. awesome.
Black Mesa (the Half-Life remake) has a greenlight on Steam. it should be out within a week i believe.
So your saying that the only people that couldn't afford tickets were black?
yes actually. according to my friend who was at the gate (who is also black) said that there were maybe 1 or 2 white kids outside.
now that i see the -3, what you think im being racist? this is the way it was, and thats why wiz said he wasnt coming back. 3 other friends who were there in the club said that it was controlled completely by the frat boys. shit, sorry to offend 3 people for being blatantly honest.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/12 5:42 pm | #10785
Just noticed you have Last.fm, Chaind. We have Very High compatibility so I sent you a friend request on there. My name is iLoveAmberLeigh.
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