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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/10/12 6:32 pm | #10741
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by BeaverHunter:
All judges are douches. As long as you have a good (expensive) lawyer you can get out of most minor shit though, it will just cost a fuck-ton of money which will most likely be split up between the lawyer & judge somehow & yes I speak from experience.
yeah I can't afford a lawyer especially since I haven't informed my parents of what has happened and the ticket alone is going tone 500 dollars ha.
Maybe Jackson can change your usertitle to Pedo.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/10/12 7:27 pm | #10742
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
yeah I can't afford a lawyer especially since I haven't informed my parents of what has happened and the ticket alone is going tone 500 dollars ha.
You should have told your parents you need another new laptop & paid a lawyer with that. The stuff I had to deal with was more than a ticket though. What did you do, take a piss in a school zone?
I bought a new laptop this summer :/ and no it was behind a bar, which is why I think I'll be okay.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/10/12 11:28 pm | #10743
How many fucking awful Resident Evil movies are they gonna make?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/11/12 12:11 am | #10744
Quote by AJ:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
yeah I can't afford a lawyer especially since I haven't informed my parents of what has happened and the ticket alone is going tone 500 dollars ha.
Maybe Jackson can change your usertitle to Pedo.
and maybe he can change yours to douchebag.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/11/12 11:48 am | #10745
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by BeaverHunter:
You should have told your parents you need another new laptop & paid a lawyer with that. The stuff I had to deal with was more than a ticket though. What did you do, take a piss in a school zone?
I bought a new laptop this summer :/ and no it was behind a bar, which is why I think I'll be okay.
Was it on a chick sitting behind a bar? I'm just not following the "sex offender" thread here... The presence of exposed external genitals (I'm assuming yours are external) doesn't necessarily qualify an act as lewd... Honestly, I've never seen anything LESS sexual than a flaccid dick.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/11/12 11:51 am | #10746
Quote by Kat:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I bought a new laptop this summer :/ and no it was behind a bar, which is why I think I'll be okay.
Was it on a chick sitting behind a bar? I'm just not following the "sex offender" thread here... The presence of exposed external genitals (I'm assuming yours are external) doesn't necessarily qualify an act as lewd... Honestly, I've never seen anything LESS sexual than a flaccid dick.
I think he means outside of the building when he says behind the bar. If he used the bathroom inside the building behind the bar...... then that's a different story.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/11/12 1:01 pm | #10747
Quote by Jared:
Quote by Kat:
Was it on a chick sitting behind a bar? I'm just not following the "sex offender" thread here... The presence of exposed external genitals (I'm assuming yours are external) doesn't necessarily qualify an act as lewd... Honestly, I've never seen anything LESS sexual than a flaccid dick.
I think he means outside of the building when he says behind the bar. If he used the bathroom inside the building behind the bar...... then that's a different story.
Well... maybe he meant a ballet barre and just spelled it wrong? That could definitely be sexual misconduct... especially if there was a class of 10 year olds using the barre at the time.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/11/12 1:32 pm | #10748
Quote by Jared:
Quote by Kat:
Was it on a chick sitting behind a bar? I'm just not following the "sex offender" thread here... The presence of exposed external genitals (I'm assuming yours are external) doesn't necessarily qualify an act as lewd... Honestly, I've never seen anything LESS sexual than a flaccid dick.
I think he means outside of the building when he says behind the bar. If he used the bathroom inside the building behind the bar...... then that's a different story.
I had to take a piss and the bars around here won't let you back in past 1 am (lol who does that? we don't want your money even though you were jsut in here!) i even offered the bouncer 10 dollars just so i could take a piss, her said no so i went in the alley and took a piss when 4 cops came and gave me a ticket for urinating in public which is a 500 dollar fine itself.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10749
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10750
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/12/12 2:33 pm | #10751
Quote by Cruz:
my friend keeps telling me to buy midnight club la
Never played it but looks good
I really enjoyed it. I had it for PS3 and I'm thinking of picking it up again for the 360.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/12/12 4:11 pm | #10752
Quote by Mudkip:
So I'm thinking of starting to do a few let's plays, or even just recording some co-op gameplay with me and a few of my friends when we're playing games on steam. I'm going to be using FRAPS to capture the video and sound. What would you guys suggest I use for editing?
I've heard that Sony Vegas Pro is really good, I wouldn't know for sure at all, I've just heard it from people on youtube. Another one is Adobe Premiere. Again, no personal experience with them, just what other people have said.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10753
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/12/12 8:44 pm | #10754
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by CRAWFORD:
I've heard that Sony Vegas Pro is really good, I wouldn't know for sure at all, I've just heard it from people on youtube. Another one is Adobe Premiere. Again, no personal experience with them, just what other people have said.
Alright, thanks for the input Crawford. I'll look into both.
I've heard that you liek Mudkips.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10755
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