Random Thoughts
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Quote by unkled20:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by unkled20:
Nice! Though it's really not the look I'm going for.

Quote by unkled20:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Nice! Though it's really not the look I'm going for.

Quote by unkled20:
Then, because it doesn't grow and renew itself, you would be left with lots of dead grass and having to replace it more often.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by CannibalX88:
I thought Edgar won :/
My thoughts exactly. Seemed like the fans thought so too. Also, at the post-fight presser Dana seemed to imply he thought Egdar won. Just my very biased opinion.
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Damn, you must have been going the speed limit the whole time. I could have shaved at least two hours off of that.
He's OLD, lololololololololol!!! Once I went from Pleasanton ca to Spokane wa in like- 10 hours.

Quote by CannibalX88:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I thought Edgar won :/
My thoughts exactly. Seemed like the fans thought so too. Also, at the post-fight presser Dana seemed to imply he thought Egdar won. Just my very biased opinion.
Spoiler for anyone who has not watched UFC 150 yet and plans to:
I had Benson for the 1st round, the 2nd could have gone either way imo, the 3rd and 4th were all Frankie, and the 5th was another that could go either way. 2 of the judges obviously gave those two to Benson. That's what happens when you let a fight go to the judges.
The Jake Shields vs Ed Herman fight was shit. Shields was mainly just being a blanket. And some of the Pre-Lims were better than this fight.
How bout Donald Cerone? Coming back from almost knocked out to win by KO? Sweet. The place errupted for their home town boy.
All in all, what made it best is that we attended it with some friends who have been over seas for 4 years and are back now.
Quote by Kat:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Damn, you must have been going the speed limit the whole time. I could have shaved at least two hours off of that.
He's OLD, lololololololololol!!! Once I went from Pleasanton ca to Spokane wa in like- 10 hours.

Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by slicknick3822:
Well I call mine "The Dark Knight Rises"... R u saying this is weird?? I'm white, btw. Lol. (Im jk, i know sometimes sarcasm can't be sensed on the internet)
I call mine "the longest yard"
whatever tickles your fancy guys, i just thought it was a stupid trend on twitter that's all,plus i never named mine since i didn't want it growing up to hate me for it

1. Stop making lists.
B. Be more consistent.
7. Learn to count.

Quote by ShadowMachine X:
1. Stop making lists.
B. Be more consistent.
7. Learn to count.
Hahahahaha.... good one.
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