Random Thoughts
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Quote by slicknick3822:
Lol congrats on being a senior.
...now prepare for the rest of your life to go by even faster...
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by slicknick3822:
Lol congrats on being a senior.
...now prepare for the rest of your life to go by even faster...
Dude, it was true. Growing up was a trap! I turn 20 next Saturday. And it seriously seems like finishing high school was still just 2 days ago, but no.. it was 2 years ago.
Another random thought - I must be in my biggest gaming slump EVER. I haven't played shit (besides MLB the show on my PS Vita... but only when at work). I cant really determine if its a slump... or maybe I dont care to play anymore?

Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Minioger:
Lol congrats on being a senior.
...now prepare for the rest of your life to go by even faster...
Dude, it was true. Growing up was a trap! I turn 20 next Saturday. And it seriously seems like finishing high school was still just 2 days ago, but no.. it was 2 years ago.
Another random thought - I must be in my biggest gaming slump EVER. I haven't played shit (besides MLB the show on my PS Vita... but only when at work). I cant really determine if its a slump... or maybe I dont care to play anymore?

Yeah im only 16(17 in Nov./skipped kindergarten) and ima be a senior and i still remember living at my old house and being at my friends house watching cartoons all the time.
It seems like everyone is in a gaming slump lately. I dont really care all that much to play. My nephew said he's giving up games once school starts. (Doesn't sound like him, but we'll see). I just have no desire to play. Plus ive been working a lot.
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Minioger:
Lol congrats on being a senior.
...now prepare for the rest of your life to go by even faster...
Dude, it was true. Growing up was a trap! I turn 20 next Saturday. And it seriously seems like finishing high school was still just 2 days ago, but no.. it was 2 years ago.
Another random thought - I must be in my biggest gaming slump EVER. I haven't played shit (besides MLB the show on my PS Vita... but only when at work). I cant really determine if its a slump... or maybe I dont care to play anymore?

Haha, I've looked at pics of me as a kid on vacation with my parents, and not remember it AT ALL. Then I feel like I missed out on all these experiences, even though I was technically there. :/
As to your 2nd point, I'm betting it's a slump. I have been the same way, even though I have games that I WANT to play. Just not motivated to turn on the box, lol. Must be the weather.
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Detroit:
Dude, it was true. Growing up was a trap! I turn 20 next Saturday. And it seriously seems like finishing high school was still just 2 days ago, but no.. it was 2 years ago.
Another random thought - I must be in my biggest gaming slump EVER. I haven't played shit (besides MLB the show on my PS Vita... but only when at work). I cant really determine if its a slump... or maybe I dont care to play anymore?

Haha, I've looked at pics of me as a kid on vacation with my parents, and not remember it AT ALL. Then I feel like I missed out on all these experiences, even though I was technically there. :/
As to your 2nd point, I'm betting it's a slump. I have been the same way, even though I have games that I WANT to play. Just not motivated to turn on the box, lol. Must be the weather.
Well... I still remember lots of my childhood trips n such lol. But there are some events my parents or friends will bring up and I'll be all like "lolwut... when the fuck did I do that"

But as far as the gaming, I think its just the weather too lol. I have everything I want to play and the time to play it(since I dont take summer classes). But I end up just watching movies, reading, and just simply finding other things to do. Which isn't bad. But deep within I feel like I should be playing

Quote by isaidgofly:

Quote by Circus:

never actually been a fan of call of duty games and never once played it, but since my little bro put the cd in the xbox, i gotta cheeve it out. wouldnt mind checking it out but if its bad as you say, maybe take that off the list? hmm

Quote by isaidgofly:
Quote by Circus:

never actually been a fan of call of duty games and never once played it, but since my little bro put the cd in the xbox, i gotta cheeve it out. wouldnt mind checking it out but if its bad as you say, maybe take that off the list? hmm

Quote by Circus:

fuck.. i see... well thank you! i cant stand doing achievements online as i always struggle getting internet access. as far as teammates goes, tedious journey looks wide open to me.. maybe its time i actually associated with you guys online..

Quote by Circus:
Quote by isaidgofly:

I just play spec ops online with a coop partner. I got friend who lives 1 mile away from me and we always do the spec ops together. Outside that cods online suck hairy balls
Quote by isaidgofly:
never actually been a fan of call of duty games and never once played it, but since my little bro put the cd in the xbox, i gotta cheeve it out.

Not necessarily. If he didnt get an achievement in it then you wouldnt have to. You could just delete the game history.
Quote by slicknick3822:
Quote by isaidgofly:
never actually been a fan of call of duty games and never once played it, but since my little bro put the cd in the xbox, i gotta cheeve it out.

Not necessarily. If he didnt get an achievement in it then you wouldnt have to. You could just delete the game history.
I tried that and it didnt work. i was super pissed when my brother put the Forza in my box and i tried several times over the span of a few months deleting it off

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