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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/06/12 12:56 am | #8416
Quote by lll PAPOOSE lll:
Quote by CRAWFORD696:
Does anyone else keep getting disconnected from Xbox Live tonight?
no just you and your bad connection..jk

It was randomly happening to us while playing Saints Row 3 last week, then it would let us reconnect like a minute later, it was really odd, hasn't happened since.
Just started to actually watch the League and I have to say that it's fucking hilarious
every episode is pretty solid, wish I woulda started watching it sooner 
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/06/12 2:04 am | #8417
Quote by Circus:
Just started to actually watch the League and I have to say that it's fucking hilarious

every episode is pretty solid, wish I woulda started watching it sooner
I've been telling you all that since it started 3 years ago.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/06/12 2:35 am | #8418
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Circus:
Just started to actually watch the League and I have to say that it's fucking hilarious

every episode is pretty solid, wish I woulda started watching it sooner
I've been telling you all that since it started 3 years ago.
Well, I downloaded em the other night and started watching em at work and I accidentally spit pop on my keyboard from the part where Taco has the jitsu staff blade in the park and cuts off the dolls head
then I had to pause it tonight I was laughing so hard from the part in season 2 when Andre is going on the stand and he puts the glasses on and they say he looks like he's from To Catch a Predator...fucking brilliant 
Re: Random Thoughts
03/06/12 10:29 am | #8419
Gotta love snow days! Now for some much needed gaming time.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/06/12 12:09 pm | #8420
Quote by Circus:
Quote by IRiSH:
I've been telling you all that since it started 3 years ago.
Well, I downloaded em the other night and started watching em at work and I accidentally spit pop on my keyboard from the part where Taco has the jitsu staff blade in the park and cuts off the dolls head

then I had to pause it tonight I was laughing so hard from the part in season 2 when Andre is going on the stand and he puts the glasses on and they say he looks like he's from To Catch a Predator...fucking brilliant
just started watching the league..show is funny as hell...its fun with feces haha
Re: Random Thoughts
03/06/12 1:34 pm | #8421
I miss my Xbox dearly.. Although i do have a PS1 and an N64 Emulator here... its just not the same
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/06/12 1:50 pm | #8422
Quote by Circus:
Quote by lll PAPOOSE lll:
no just you and your bad connection..jk

It was randomly happening to us while playing Saints Row 3 last week, then it would let us reconnect like a minute later, it was really odd, hasn't happened since.
Just started to actually watch the League and I have to say that it's fucking hilarious

every episode is pretty solid, wish I woulda started watching it sooner
great show!! by far one of my favorite comedies.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/06/12 2:41 pm | #8423
Thanks for all the happy birthday shouts everyone!
Re: Random Thoughts
03/06/12 10:28 pm | #8424
Just finished the MW3 campaign, I always love finishing them! MW2 still had the best ending IMO.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/06/12 11:05 pm | #8425
Quote by Wilson:
Just finished the MW3 campaign, I always love finishing them! MW2 still had the best ending IMO.
I still think they are all poop.
only 1 more shift at work and 1 more night class until I have 11 days off from everything!!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/12 1:00 am | #8426
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Wilson:
Just finished the MW3 campaign, I always love finishing them! MW2 still had the best ending IMO.
I still think they are all poop.
only 1 more shift at work and 1 more night class until I have 11 days off from everything!!
I'm a huge Call of Duty guy, I have a lot of fun beating each one and continuing the story lines. Plus I can play online until 10th prestige easy, it's all preference.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/12 3:39 am | #8427
Does anyone else miss the Cerberus Normandy SR2?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/12 9:45 pm | #8428
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Does anyone else miss the Cerberus Normandy SR2?
Not so much. I am enjoying the new retro fitted Normandy. Music selection in my quarters is kinda limited and kinda lame though.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/12 9:55 pm | #8429
im going to have to drop yet another class this semester....fuck. my financial aid is going to crucify me.
C Programming - dropped
Java Programming - dropped by teacher
Intro to Web Development
Ethical Hacking - dropped
Math 101
which leaves Math on Tues & Thurs and Intro on Mon & Wed. i think i might have to drop intro, ive fallen really far behind. so much stress and i just cant keep up anymore. so much for working on my degree....
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/12 10:43 pm | #8430
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Does anyone else miss the Cerberus Normandy SR2?
Not so much. I am enjoying the new retro fitted Normandy. Music selection in my quarters is kinda limited and kinda lame though.
The gay/lesbian duo is no substitute for Kelly Chambers. You can't use the bar and of course it's empty in comparison. I did enjoy how Liara pimped out Miranda's old office though.
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