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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/12 11:45 pm | #8431
Quote by Chaind Insanity:
im going to have to drop yet another class this semester....fuck. my financial aid is going to crucify me.
C Programming - dropped
Java Programming - dropped by teacher
Intro to Web Development
Ethical Hacking - dropped
Math 101
which leaves Math on Tues & Thurs and Intro on Mon & Wed. i think i might have to drop intro, ive fallen really far behind. so much stress and i just cant keep up anymore. so much for working on my degree....
Don't get discouraged! It took me about 3 years to get my associates degree and another 3 to get my bachelors. I didn't think I would ever finish because it was going so slow. I worked 30 miles away from home and college was another 40 miles away from work. It was quite terrible for awhile. There were times I left home at 6am and didn't get home till 12am, only to have to do it again the next day.
Keep good thoughts and stay strong. You'll get it done.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 2:28 am | #8432
Well my mom's surgery went well. She looked much better afterwards than she did going in. We were at the hospital from 7am to 3:30pm. They said that they removed the tumor, a few lumps in her other breast and she'll have to wait till Thursday to see if she'll have to have any treatments for it. It's a huge relief to hear that.
I have a question for anyone that knows anything about the legal system. I want to know if you guys think my mom may be able to sue the shit out of the hospital for this whole mess.
She had surgery about a year ago to remove the tumors she had, but the hospital told her, just recently, that they "forgot" to remove one. Which is the reason that it went into stage 1 to begin with. They knew the whole time that she still had one in her breast, but didn't tell her until a week or so ago, because they "forgot" to remove it or tell her about it.
Any help on that will be very appreciated.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 3:13 am | #8433
finally get some sleep after a very few long days.
also 11 day spring break? so excited!!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 5:29 am | #8434
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Well my mom's surgery went well. She looked much better afterwards than she did going in. We were at the hospital from 7am to 3:30pm. They said that they removed the tumor, a few lumps in her other breast and she'll have to wait till Thursday to see if she'll have to have any treatments for it. It's a huge relief to hear that.
I have a question for anyone that knows anything about the legal system. I want to know if you guys think my mom may be able to sue the shit out of the hospital for this whole mess.
She had surgery about a year ago to remove the tumors she had, but the hospital told her, just recently, that they "forgot" to remove one. Which is the reason that it went into stage 1 to begin with. They knew the whole time that she still had one in her breast, but didn't tell her until a week or so ago, because they "forgot" to remove it or tell her about it.
Any help on that will be very appreciated.
Instead of asking us, talk to a lawyer. If they knowingly and admittedly forgot about something like that your mother is entitled to some type of compensation whether it be reimbursement for at least the surgery and hospital expenses to a large sum of money after everything else is taken care of (by the hospital, of course). What if it had turned into terminal cancer? Then the hospital would be in even deeper shit admitting they forgot.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 3:10 pm | #8435
So I finally decided to give Mass Effect another shot as it was one of the first games I tried after I first got my original 360 almost 4 years ago. I just could not get into it at the time and sent it back to gamefly. I was surprised today when I went on Amazon to find all new copies are going for 25+ and used copies not much lower at 21+ so I just paid the 19.99 on the Live Marketplace for the full game download. I also wanted to see if I could find a cheap used copy of the Prima Guide for it but the cheapest price was fucking 40 bucks used. New ones were going for over 100 fucking dollars for fucks sake!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 4:39 pm | #8436
Quote by IRiSH:
So I finally decided to give Mass Effect another shot as it was one of the first games I tried after I first got my original 360 almost 4 years ago. I just could not get into it at the time and sent it back to gamefly. I was surprised today when I went on Amazon to find all new copies are going for 25+ and used copies not much lower at 21+ so I just paid the 19.99 on the Live Marketplace for the full game download. I also wanted to see if I could find a cheap used copy of the Prima Guide for it but the cheapest price was fucking 40 bucks used. New ones were going for over 100 fucking dollars for fucks sake!
From what I remember a guide isn't really necessary on the 1st one, just wander around and try to complete every side quest you can find, at least that's what I did, I completed 1 and only need one achievement on 2. 1's a lot harder to get into than 2, but it'd still be very enjoyable to start from the beginning and play all the way through 3 importing all your decisions instead of skipping ahead 
Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 8:47 pm | #8437
EA Account got banned. I cant play any EA games online on xbox or ps3. They wont fix it. This fucking sucks because my EA makes a few of my favorite games like NHL, Madden, BF3. And all I do on those is play online. Seriously considering making a new account... but I dont think its worth it starting gamerscore over.
I think im going to just make an account that I will use to play EA games online.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 9:31 pm | #8438
Quote by Circus:
Quote by IRiSH:
So I finally decided to give Mass Effect another shot as it was one of the first games I tried after I first got my original 360 almost 4 years ago. I just could not get into it at the time and sent it back to gamefly. I was surprised today when I went on Amazon to find all new copies are going for 25+ and used copies not much lower at 21+ so I just paid the 19.99 on the Live Marketplace for the full game download. I also wanted to see if I could find a cheap used copy of the Prima Guide for it but the cheapest price was fucking 40 bucks used. New ones were going for over 100 fucking dollars for fucks sake!
From what I remember a guide isn't really necessary on the 1st one,
just wander around and try to complete every side quest you can find, at least that's what I did, I completed 1 and only need one achievement on 2. 1's a lot harder to get into than 2, but it'd still be very enjoyable to start from the beginning and play all the way through 3 importing all your decisions instead of skipping ahead
Thats all that game was to me. Couldn't even come close to finishing..
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 10:08 pm | #8439
Quote by Detroit:
EA Account got banned. I cant play any EA games online on xbox or ps3. They wont fix it. This fucking sucks because my EA makes a few of my favorite games like NHL, Madden, BF3. And all I do on those is play online. Seriously considering making a new account... but I dont think its worth it starting gamerscore over.
I think im going to just make an account that I will use to play EA games online.
Why did you get banned?
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 10:14 pm | #8440
Quote by kroberts11:
Quote by Detroit:
EA Account got banned. I cant play any EA games online on xbox or ps3. They wont fix it. This fucking sucks because my EA makes a few of my favorite games like NHL, Madden, BF3. And all I do on those is play online. Seriously considering making a new account... but I dont think its worth it starting gamerscore over.
I think im going to just make an account that I will use to play EA games online.
Why did you get banned?
I was on a FIFA 12 Pro Club team that had members with modded 99 guys. They said my guy was a 99 too but he was only like a 70. I told them that, they said sorry but we cant fix it.
This sucks bad because like I said, EA has some of my most played online games.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 11:06 pm | #8441
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by kroberts11:
Why did you get banned?
I was on a FIFA 12 Pro Club team that had members with modded 99 guys. They said my guy was a 99 too but he was only like a 70. I told them that, they said sorry but we cant fix it.
This sucks bad because like I said, EA has some of my most played online games.
That blows dude. Yeah I noticed you play a lot of FIFA/NHL/etc. Fuck EA and their shenanigans.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 11:16 pm | #8442
Quote by kroberts11:
Quote by Detroit:
I was on a FIFA 12 Pro Club team that had members with modded 99 guys. They said my guy was a 99 too but he was only like a 70. I told them that, they said sorry but we cant fix it.
This sucks bad because like I said, EA has some of my most played online games.
That blows dude. Yeah I noticed you play a lot of FIFA/NHL/etc. Fuck EA and their shenanigans.
Ouch, good thing you don't NEED to play Mass Effect 3 for any of the achievements...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 11:34 pm | #8443
Quote by Circus:
Quote by kroberts11:
That blows dude. Yeah I noticed you play a lot of FIFA/NHL/etc. Fuck EA and their shenanigans.
Ouch, good thing you don't NEED to play Mass Effect 3 for any of the achievements...
Yeah I like that they did that. All the MP chieves have singleplayer substitutes. But I cant get access to my ME3 save. After it tells me my account is "invalid" it checks for downloadable content and it wont stop checking. I think If I just go off live and put the game in and then load my save... I can sign on with out with no hassle.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/08/12 11:47 pm | #8444
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Circus:
Ouch, good thing you don't NEED to play Mass Effect 3 for any of the achievements...
Yeah I like that they did that. All the MP chieves have singleplayer substitutes. But I cant get access to my ME3 save. After it tells me my account is "invalid" it checks for downloadable content and it wont stop checking. I think If I just go off live and put the game in and then load my save... I can sign on with out with no hassle.
Now that fucking sucks, I'll never play FIFA after hearing about all the hacked accounts and shit that goes on on it, I don't like soccer either though so there's that...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/09/12 12:21 am | #8445
Quote by Circus:
Quote by Detroit:
Yeah I like that they did that. All the MP chieves have singleplayer substitutes. But I cant get access to my ME3 save. After it tells me my account is "invalid" it checks for downloadable content and it wont stop checking. I think If I just go off live and put the game in and then load my save... I can sign on with out with no hassle.
Now that fucking sucks, I'll never play FIFA after hearing about all the hacked accounts and shit that goes on on it, I don't like soccer either though so there's that...
Yeah I guess people get hacked on there all the time. My old boss had someone get into his account and spent all his MS points. And he also noticed that he had an achievement in FIFA and he never plays FIFA.
It will be tough, but Im never gonna buy an EA game again for Xbox or PS3.
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