Random Thoughts
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anyway... just to update you guys...
i payed 4 bucks for the SNesoid emulator.
some people on the droid forums suggested the "ROM buddy" application. 2 bucks.
i spent the money, and here i am playing MOTHER F*** CHRONO TRIGGER ON MY PHONE!!!!
best 6 bucks i ever spent prolly.
on your shorts after taking a leak? I think I saw stars.

Quote by Bubbles:
Ahh my friend bought one while he was in Hawaii, and he is just now trying to learn songs on it! Have fun

Quote by IRiSH:
on your shorts after taking a leak? I think I saw stars.

I do this all the time.
Uhh.. it's almost 4:45 am.. I went to bed last night at 6 am and woke up at 9:30 am.. I'm extremely delirious. Sleep is such a waste of time, but apparently we need it.. for some ridiculous reason. Better go get some now, since I'll be up again in 4 or 5 hours.
at first i thought it was a chick... and now i think it's an 11 year old boy. WHAT THE FUUUUUU

Quote by AJ:

We can only see the top half of the top row anyway. So...

Quote by Noah 9000:
at first i thought it was a chick... and now i think it's an 11 year old boy. WHAT THE FUUUUUU
For serious bro! I was about to mute his ass and he left. He was all "I'll boost with ya" and then he wouldn't shut up and was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.
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