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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
07/01/10 9:43 am | #796
hmmm wasnt paying attention and my gold ran out today....of to the store before work in a bit
Re: Random Thoughts
07/01/10 10:53 am | #797
Been working on FF13 for a while now and making good progress, then this x8 XP thing comes up for Gears 2.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/01/10 11:54 am | #798
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Been working on FF13 for a while now and making good progress, then this x8 XP thing comes up for Gears 2.
I still need to beat FF13... I don't know what's going to happen when I have to grind forever :\
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/02/10 8:56 am | #799
Quote by kroberts11:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Been working on FF13 for a while now and making good progress, then this x8 XP thing comes up for Gears 2.
I still need to beat FF13... I don't know what's going to happen when I have to grind forever :\
It's really boring, but I want to finish this game.
Random thought - I hit 1,000,000 XP last night in Gears 2 (level 57). I only have 5,800,000 to go. By grinding out Wave 1 on the Security map, I have 2900 waves to go.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/02/10 12:55 pm | #800
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Random thought - I hit 1,000,000 XP last night in Gears 2 (level 57). I only have 5,800,000 to go. By grinding out Wave 1 on the Security map, I have 2900 waves to go.
How much
XP do you get per hour?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/02/10 1:04 pm | #801
Quote by Revelation1318:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Random thought - I hit 1,000,000 XP last night in Gears 2 (level 57). I only have 5,800,000 to go. By grinding out Wave 1 on the Security map, I have 2900 waves to go.
How much
XP do you get per hour?
Average turn around is 2 minutes, but I take my time. Answer phone, bathroom breaks, beer run, etc. If I stick to it, I can get 120K per hour.
Random Thought (sorta) - 2855 waves to go.
Re: Random Thoughts
07/02/10 8:32 pm | #802
How is it there's an update for the Orange Box everyday I pop it in this week?
This is at least the 3rd or 4th update this week.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/02/10 8:37 pm | #803
Quote by IRiSH:
How is it there's an update for the Orange Box everyday I pop it in this week?
I know exactly what you mean, it's freaking annoying. I do appreciate companies supporting a product long after release, but it gets a little absurd.
Every time I play the xbla Street Fighter II' hf, there is an update. There have been 3 SF games on Xbox since then, plus it's like 4 years old now, what the frack can they possibly still be updating??
Re: Random Thoughts
07/02/10 10:32 pm | #804
Brie and I were looking at old games we used to play when we were younger that we no longer have... I never owned this game, but I want to play Rival Schools for PS1 again soooo badly. Unfortunately, copies run for about $40+ now, and I don't have that kind of money laying around to buy that game. Maybe I'll put $10 away each month for a little while until I can get it again.
Re: Random Thoughts
07/03/10 11:14 am | #805
2500 waves to go...
Complaint - 4 day weekend...which is nice, kind of. Everyone is away. If they aren't away, they are on the internet, sucking up my junk-o bandwidth. I want to boost, but I end up getting kicked off or dropped because of a lousy connection. This sucks. Surewest REALLY bites the big one.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/03/10 1:39 pm | #806
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Revelation1318:
How much XP do you get per hour?
Average turn around is 2 minutes, but I take my time. Answer phone, bathroom breaks, beer run, etc. If I stick to it, I can get 120K per hour.
Random Thought (sorta) - 2855 waves to go.
Ok, first of all, I suck at math. But hear this out:
Security. Insane. Wave 1, suicide, restart.
I can do 7 waves in about 10 minutes (bit less than 1:30 min. per wave and back). So that's 14k xp.
In an hour that'll be 84k xp.
How are you getting 120k? That's like getting 1 wave and restarting every 1 min. I can't find the tickers that fast! Any tips?
Re: Random Thoughts
07/03/10 4:51 pm | #807
Saboteur is royally pissing me off... Only 1,100 missions left for the 1k.... How boring.. Whatever the developer was smoking when they thought this was a good idea, I wish I had some...
Re: Random Thoughts
07/03/10 5:04 pm | #808
I put $20 in Brie's gas tank today with my card, and the gas station decided that, in order to authorize my funding, they would take $75 (out of a possible $78 in my account). I now will not have money for 2-3 business days, because of paying at the pump. I'm a little annoyed... at least my girlfriend can buy me food.
edit - I guess this could've gone in grinds my gears, oops.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/03/10 5:23 pm | #809
Quote by Revelation1318:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Average turn around is 2 minutes, but I take my time. Answer phone, bathroom breaks, beer run, etc. If I stick to it, I can get 120K per hour.
Random Thought (sorta) - 2855 waves to go.
Ok, first of all, I suck at math. But hear this out:
Security. Insane. Wave 1, suicide, restart.
I can do 7 waves in about 10 minutes (bit less than 1:30 min. per wave and back). So that's 14k xp.
In an hour that'll be 84k xp.
How are you getting 120k? That's like getting 1 wave and restarting every 1 min. I can't find the tickers that fast! Any tips?
No, you are correct. My math was WAYYY off. I am only getting 60 - 70K per hour. Sorry for the confusion.
Re: Random Thoughts
07/03/10 5:56 pm | #810
Boosting is a dirty job. But somebody's gotta do it.
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