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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
05/08/10 10:32 am | #466
Saturday finals suck a lot.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/08/10 3:39 pm | #467
Books or a new game? Hm....On one hand I haven't read a new book in a very long time. On the other hand I love playing a new game.
I went with the books. I have 4 new games to play and I need to play them before getting new ones. Otherwise they'll sit on the shelf for a while, because every time I get a new game I stop playing whatever game I was playing and forget about it.
So I ended up going to Barnes and Noble and bought (Keep in mind they're ALL Star Wars since I'm a huge fan) Star Wars: Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor, Star Wars: Crosscurrent, and Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Outcast. I'm going to start reading Shadows of Mindor first.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/09/10 10:20 am | #468
I really don't like basketball. I know that there are a bunch of easy 1k's that are basketball games, but I still hate basketball.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/09/10 10:44 am | #469
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I really don't like basketball. I know that there are a bunch of easy 1k's that are basketball games, but I still hate basketball.
Like the sport in general? Or just basketball games? Because the sport is really fun to play, but watching it sucks.
Now I REALLY hate baseball. In every way, shape, and form. Its embarrassing that its "America's past time"
Re: Random Thoughts
05/09/10 11:32 am | #470
C'mon you know America's real past time is sitting home, eating donuts and watching American Idol... Not this silly baseball you speak of.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/09/10 1:01 pm | #471
Re: Random Thoughts
05/09/10 1:17 pm | #472
eh, donuts are a hit or miss for me lol. certain ones i can't stand, and very few i like.
French Cruelllers/Twists are the best though

Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/09/10 1:20 pm | #473
Quote by Crustyhippy:
C'mon you know America's real past time is sitting home, eating donuts and watching American Idol... Not this silly baseball you speak of.
Hahahaha most epic thing ever.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/09/10 2:05 pm | #474
Quote by Crustyhippy:
C'mon you know America's real past time is sitting home, eating donuts and watching American Idol... Not this silly baseball you speak of.
I hate donuts, American Idol, baseball, and basketball. My dad made me go to a baseball game once. It was an Indian's game and I have no idea who they were playing. I was sitting one row above this really hot chick with a low cut shirt. She was completely wasted and I stared at her breasts the whole game.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/09/10 2:10 pm | #475
I didn't get my mom anything for mothers day, I feel like an ass.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/09/10 2:55 pm | #477
ahh only a few more days at college this semester!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/09/10 4:07 pm | #478
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
ahh only a few more days at college this semester!
OH I KNOW! A final on monday and a final on tuesday, and a MUCH needed break from college. Finally!
Re: Random Thoughts
05/11/10 5:24 pm | #479
Well. I made my biggest mistake in college. I messed up in some prereqs, and I now had to drop 4 of the 6 classes I was registered for next semester, and I can't declare my major until Christmas. I'm set back a semester, which doesn't help considering I'm double majoring, and will already need another semester.
I'm pretty angry at myself for getting so lazy... this semester didn't go well, but I was supposed to still be able to pull okay grades.
Epic fail for kait.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/11/10 5:28 pm | #480
random thoughts? meet even randomer. these are what i think in a random perspective.
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