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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/10 6:17 pm | #406
Idk im stuck on saying i get naked and people go WTF?? EPIC WIN
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/10 7:20 pm | #407
Quote by ErmacVersion1:
This orange juice doesn't taste right......
How long has it been in your fridge? Is it carton or from frozen concentrate?
If it's been sitting around it may have started to ferment a little. Does it have a little zip?
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/10 7:59 pm | #408
I'm starting up doing space art again with my oil paints.. I'm trying to get into doing art on Sketchbook Pro though.. Grr!
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/10 8:12 pm | #409
i've been really stuffy lately... hacking up a lot of shit.
whenever i go out to smoke i try dropping some of it off on ants... and i ALWAYS miss!
i just want to see one of the damn things fight it's way out of the mess... if it can. mwahaha.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/10 8:22 pm | #410
I hate when people stay in my apartment too long on my xbox. They should leave. Now.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/10 8:33 pm | #411
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by ErmacVersion1:
This orange juice doesn't taste right......
How long has it been in your fridge? Is it carton or from frozen concentrate?
If it's been sitting around it may have started to ferment a little. Does it have a little zip?
Wow you sound very orange juice educated...haha
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/10 9:53 pm | #412
CPS sucks. We are trying to help out a friend with a custody issue and those people are just plain terrible.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/10 3:54 pm | #413
Concrete sucks when you fall on it. My knee is really banged up and nasty looking.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/10 3:55 pm | #414
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/10 4:05 pm | #415
Quote by x Brie Bear x:
Quote by IRiSH:
How long has it been in your fridge? Is it carton or from frozen concentrate?
If it's been sitting around it may have started to ferment a little. Does it have a little zip?
Wow you sound very orange juice educated...haha
Oh, I loves me some OJ in the morning!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/10 4:10 pm | #416
Quote by kroberts11:
I hate when people stay in my apartment too long on my xbox. They should leave. Now.

I'm never coming over again!
Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/10 5:40 pm | #417
Ebgames sent my games fast! Last time they took forever. If I wasn't watching a movie I would have gotten them almost 2 hours ago. Didn't notice they were in the door until a few mins ago.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/10 6:09 pm | #418
I miss my Xbox 360 already....
Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/10 7:09 pm | #419
Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/10 8:38 pm | #420
jen finally got her "exploding dead body" tonic in bioshock 2 tonight.
i was so excited for her, but the damn game is so laggy she doesn't blow up until it's too late.
seriously?? they STILL haven't fixed the MP?
i guess if they haven't done it by now it will never be done. fail.
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