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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/11 2:10 pm | #3346
Quote by Gaanjaa:
So my loves in this order;
Family (mostly fiancee)

C'mon, admit it, if you didn't have to work, the car would be last!
...and if you didn't have to eat...
...and if you didn't have to love...
On Topic - Too Human - Visually beautiful game, but really, it's too difficult for any casual gamer to complete or have fun with. I would suggest a new DLC pack with a "casual" mode. Enemy damage is halved and user weapons have x2 damage multiplier. This game would see a sudden resurgence in popularity.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/11 2:37 pm | #3347
I didn't find Too Human difficult, then again im not a casual gamer. Knowing which resistance to stack is key in that game.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/11 3:29 pm | #3348
I bought a dagger at the St Patty's day festival here.

Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/11 5:20 pm | #3349
Quote by Leo Ascendent:
I didn't find Too Human difficult, then again im not a casual gamer. Knowing which resistance to stack is key in that game.
I am not a casual gamer either, but spending most of your time being dead just sucks. I am more of an advanced gamer. I am advancing to the point where I can say "I will get this and this achievement and call it quits with that game."
Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/11 7:17 pm | #3350
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - I was dreading actually playing it even though it's a quick 1k, but I finally opened it up and got about 300 gamerscore in a half hour, lol. 5/20 missions 100% complete in that time as well. Very simple game.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/11 8:33 pm | #3351
I guess Netflix is all fucked up. I cant use it on Xbox or Ps3. The site is down too...
EDIT: Yeah they just put a message up on their site saying their shit is gay. I mean down.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/22/11 8:42 pm | #3352
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Gaanjaa:
So my loves in this order;
Family (mostly fiancee)

C'mon, admit it, if you didn't have to work, the car would be last!
...and if you didn't have to eat...
...and if you didn't have to love...
On Topic - Too Human - Visually beautiful game, but really, it's too difficult for any casual gamer to complete or have fun with. I would suggest a new DLC pack with a "casual" mode. Enemy damage is halved and user weapons have x2 damage multiplier. This game would see a sudden resurgence in popularity.
The thing that pissed me off to no extent about Too Human was the camera angles.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/23/11 1:27 am | #3353
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
On Topic - Too Human - Visually beautiful game, but really, it's too difficult for any casual gamer to complete or have fun with. I would suggest a new DLC pack with a "casual" mode. Enemy damage is halved and user weapons have x2 damage multiplier. This game would see a sudden resurgence in popularity.
The thing that pissed me off to no extent about Too Human was the camera angles.
Oh, that, too - or the lack of GOOD camera angles or the sudden swinging around of the camera.
The part that really drove me nuts was the difficulty. Only 1/10 of 1% of the gamers who tried this game actually liked it. The rest of us just walked away mumbling about it being way too hard. From a business standpoint, the game is an abysmal failure. Whoever it was that funded the project got the shitty end of the stick.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/23/11 2:35 am | #3354
hoping for a snow day tomorrow.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/23/11 6:47 am | #3355
I'm tiiiired. And I really don't want to go to class today. I have an 8am, then a break, then an 11am, then studying all day for a 6:30 make up exam. FML. I just want to sleep.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/23/11 10:33 am | #3356
Random thought - I have to go into public today so I should probably shave and make myself presentable.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/23/11 10:34 am | #3357
Sanctum of Slime came out today on XBL. <3333
Re: Random Thoughts
03/23/11 1:16 pm | #3359
Oh, Tonight, were gonna set the world on fire
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/23/11 1:51 pm | #3360
Quote by MizTian Cage:
Sanctum of Slime came out today on XBL. <3333
Lol, read this and totally thought some sort of Dragon Warrior spinoff game had been released, got all excited and then remembered about Ghostbusters
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