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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
03/18/11 10:29 pm | #3286
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/18/11 10:37 pm | #3288
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Nate:
Work was HELL
But... did you run out of onion rings?
lolololol Thankfully no.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/18/11 11:11 pm | #3289
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Circus:
Had a Psych exam and I couldn't bring myself to study last night at work since I kept falling asleep, ended up studying for maybe a total of 2 hours and got a 102 out of 100 with the 2 point extra credit on the back which means I didn't miss a single question...WIN.
Freudian or Jungian? Did you have to write a short essay?
Freudian, general Psych, and no short essays thank god, just homework/quizes and exams.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/18/11 11:13 pm | #3290
Has anyone noticed that there's only a few b-day's every day on the homepage? We have almost 21,000 members and if you divide that by 365 you get 57.53 (which is what it should be around if the b-days were spread throughout the year evenly). I bet that almost everyone on the site will be there January 1st, since I think that's the default if you don't put your b-day in..
And that concludes my random thought.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/11 12:08 am | #3291
Got into the number 1 ranked club in the world on TDU2 earlier, then the leader of the club let me beat him like 30 times for 2 million dollars to buy the Bugatti aka the best car in the game, score for me
Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/11 12:46 am | #3292
I am getting sick of the rain.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/11 12:48 am | #3293
Work one more day, then 2 days of vacation. Casino here i come!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/11 4:13 am | #3294
Quote by AJ:
Has anyone noticed that there's only a few b-day's every day on the homepage? We have almost 21,000 members and if you divide that by 365 you get 57.53 (which is what it should be around if the b-days were spread throughout the year evenly). I bet that almost everyone on the site will be there January 1st, since I think that's the default if you don't put your b-day in..
And that concludes my random thought.
Maybe something to do with active members? Maybe they activity in the past six months or something?
Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/11 11:03 am | #3295
Random thought - it's clear with just a little wind right now, but soon the rain will return...yeck
Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/11 11:54 am | #3297
I'm changing my middle name to AKA. Matt AKA Norris. That's right.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/19/11 12:28 pm | #3299
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by theEVOL1:
I'm changing my middle name to AKA. Matt AKA Norris. That's right.
Do we need to change the baby's name as well then??? Matt AKA Norris Jr?
You know it!
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