Random Thoughts
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Quote by McFly800:
This. This. THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Quote by IRiSH:

Yea, I'm pretty sure you can. Not sure though because I don't have a vision cam.

Quote by Minioger:
Because they don't lol online classes suck IMO...
Some dude in a older BMW was backing out of a parking spot next to me and his bumper caught my tire. It ripped his bumper off... Oh, well I wasn't moving so it was his fault plus there wasn't any damage to my truck. On a better note I'm about to pop in Bulletstorm!
Quote by Minioger:
No face to face teaching going on. Can't really get to know the person that way. No personalization.
Quote by Tremmor:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
WTF? Robbing your house wasn't good enough for this guy? He had to throw a beating to someone sleeping peacefully in their bed? I hope Bubba gets him in the shower.
Whats messed up is that I woke up in a pool of my blood broken nose, 16 stitches, concussion. they were gonna smash my face with a brick but they didnt want to kill me. They stole all my electronics from my house. I get kicked out of college. Its going on 2 years now and I still don't have everything back. Its because the damn court system keeps granting continuations. Like I said the final guy was being sentenced yesterday nope wrong another 2 week continuation. Im just heated. And they guys just turned 18 when they did it. They are both getting 10rs which they wont serve all of that. Im done im just glad my kid and old lady wasnt home at the time all this took place!!
That's pretty fucked up, people like that should just be locked away for life. I would say executed, but that's being way to nice.
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