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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 1:26 am | #2821
Just ordered a few new articles of clothing for spring, also custom made some shoes on Etnies 
Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 1:43 am | #2822
those are some ugly ass shoes man...

At least these shoes look like clown shoes, but then you can also go ball it up on the courts and all.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 1:51 am | #2823
A damn shame.... those kids should be in school.... or making my burgers over at BK (no offense intended to anyone working in fastfood....).
Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 1:53 am | #2824
Shit, Etnies are the MOST comfortable shoes I've worn in my lifetime, I wanted some all blue skate shoes and added the orange in for some variance, plus it's Broncos colors (even though they suck right now).
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 1:59 am | #2825
Quote by Circus:
Shit, Etnies are the MOST comfortable shoes I've worn in my lifetime, I wanted some all blue skate shoes and added the orange in for some variance, plus it's Broncos colors (even though they suck right now).

im really disappointed in you...if you werent my partner i would of deleted your ass already 
and im off xba for the night
Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 2:04 am | #2826
Silly bitch, your threats can not harm me!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 2:32 am | #2827
Quote by Circus:
Shit, Etnies are the MOST comfortable shoes I've worn in my lifetime, I wanted some all blue skate shoes and added the orange in for some variance, plus it's Broncos colors (even though they suck right now).

Lol do they sell Minioger sized shoes? (Size 16)
Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 2:35 am | #2828
They go up to size 15 I believe, here's the template to customize
Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 2:37 am | #2829
Want to play MorrowWind.... gotta find a copy. M'iaq knows this.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 2:42 am | #2830
Dangit! Size 15. Its so hard to buy shoes sometimes...lol
Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 2:44 am | #2831
I rock mostly Osiris and nikes. I'll wear some emericas and few other brands if their sick. never really liked ethnies though.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 3:42 am | #2832
I was gonna get those Osiris' with the fur inside em, but now it's too warm for those, I'm watchin the Other Guys right now and holy shit is it funny
Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 6:24 am | #2833
bulletstorm is fun as hell. tonight, when i have the chance, im going to DL the DA2 demo, play that, and then proceed to play some more bulletstorm if i have time lol
Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 7:00 am | #2834
I've been really excited for the past month for the Champions League to start, and was especially excited because a class I usually don't go to anyway was canceled today, aka the start of Manchester United's CL campaign. Well, I just went to go look and see what channel the game was on, and I guess I was wrong about it being televised (besides for FSC which I don't get.) Now I'm kind of sad, and slightly considering going to a BWW with no money to go watch the match.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/23/11 9:40 am | #2835
Get this sh_t...Last week the administration staff at my job was granted a 20,000 a year raise. No one else was given a raise of any type. Due to budget constraints there are supposed to be 10% cuts across the board in ALL deaprtments. If cuts are supposed to be made why are 3 people getting that much money? On top of that, the person who makes the decisions about these cuts makes over 200 grand a year and she is not taking a cut. I was pissed about this yesterday afternoon when I got home. To put the icing on the cake I get a solicitation letter from my organization asking me to donate them money!!!! What kinda sh_t is that?!?!?! You want money? Okay. I8 will give you 50% of the raise you gave me..... whew, I'm done guys. Thanks for letting me rant.
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