Random Thoughts
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Quote by The Snapple Cap:
What is your point? His music is shit just like he is, change is good if you can actually make good music. Every other artist that I know of that has changed has been for the better.

Quote by Kat:
Snappy started it over on TA and I thought I would include you guys in the lulz of Snappy thinking he is the best. Then I proceeded to tell him Kanye was shit just for fun, I love pissing with him

Anyway, my thought is, why is the walking dead screwing with the story line so much? I have been reading the comics, before the show, and during the show to have a comparison... So things i have agreed with, but there are others that are completely irritating.
I am not going to say anything to avoid spoilers, but just look at the death comparison page on there wiki. Some characters have so much story and depth to them, but the show kills them off way to so or doesn't kill them.
The worst though is switching characters story lines or combining them. Something that happen do character A in the comic happens to Character B in the show. Its very annoying.
And does anybody know why they are messing with the story lines of the characters?
Quote by Katarn StarKiLR:
Anyway, my thought is, why is the walking dead screwing with the story line so much? I have been reading the comics, before the show, and during the show to have a comparison... So things i have agreed with, but there are others that are completely irritating.
I am not going to say anything to avoid spoilers, but just look at the death comparison page on there wiki. Some characters have so much story and depth to them, but the show kills them off way to so or doesn't kill them.
The worst though is switching characters story lines or combining them. Something that happen do character A in the comic happens to Character B in the show. Its very annoying.
And does anybody know why they are messing with the story lines of the characters?
You think this is bad, I would hate to hear you opinions between the show A Game of Thrones and the book series A Song of Ice and Fire.
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Katarn StarKiLR:
Anyway, my thought is, why is the walking dead screwing with the story line so much? I have been reading the comics, before the show, and during the show to have a comparison... So things i have agreed with, but there are others that are completely irritating.
I am not going to say anything to avoid spoilers, but just look at the death comparison page on there wiki. Some characters have so much story and depth to them, but the show kills them off way to so or doesn't kill them.
The worst though is switching characters story lines or combining them. Something that happen do character A in the comic happens to Character B in the show. Its very annoying.
And does anybody know why they are messing with the story lines of the characters?
You think this is bad, I would hate to hear you opinions between the show A Game of Thrones and the book series A Song of Ice and Fire.
Seriously, they've already said "yeah fuck it, we're gonna kill some people who didn't die in the book". Next season will be very different.
Still excited as crap though. HYYYYYYYPE
Quote by Atrocity:

The only reason I vote "Meh" is I'm stuck in 2004 (as most of you can tell by the Juicy logo on my pants). So to me, Kanye's new jam is still, "Through the Wire."
I'll need another decade to accurately measure.
Quote by Atrocity:

You're that guy that stand right next to people in urinals when there's another one 10 feet away, Fuck you.
Quote by Chaind Insanity:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
You think this is bad, I would hate to hear you opinions between the show A Game of Thrones and the book series A Song of Ice and Fire.
Seriously, they've already said "yeah fuck it, we're gonna kill some people who didn't die in the book". Next season will be very different.
Still excited as crap though. HYYYYYYYPE
The directors have stated that many things this season will not be the same as the books. They plan to cover all of book 4 and 5 this season.
George RR Martin has even been quoted saying fans of the books will be pissed this season, as many more people that are alive in the books will be killed off on the show.
Personally, now that the show says they will finish before the books do, I think I am going to try my best to avoid the show now. I would like to finish the series the same way I started it, by reading the books.
Quote by slicknick3822:

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