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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
08/15/14 10:01 pm | #22651
Dishonered is now available for free download, just click the brows games tab----games on demand-----either search it or pick letter D and click it,its the last free game of augast,they don't have the tab/promo up for it yet but its been free for about an hour or so.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/15/14 11:39 pm | #22652
Shredder, your Titan is ready
Didn't have a problem logging into games at 4am, so you guys are right.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #22653
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/16/14 4:34 am | #22654
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
and Kat no 1 will coop with u ur bad at games and stuff. stealing all my loot
This. Let it be known that Kat ninjas all the loots and dances around your gravemark when you die.
NO, Kat. NO. BAD.
Snap get a rolled-up newspaper to strike her with. She needs to learn.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/16/14 1:09 pm | #22655
Quote by Meta:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
and Kat no 1 will coop with u ur bad at games and stuff. stealing all my loot
This. Let it be known that Kat ninjas all the loots and dances around your gravemark when you die.
NO, Kat. NO. BAD.
Snap get a rolled-up newspaper to strike her with. She needs to learn.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/16/14 1:48 pm | #22656
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Meta:
This. Let it be known that Kat ninjas all the loots and dances around your gravemark when you die.
NO, Kat. NO. BAD.
Snap get a rolled-up newspaper to strike her with. She needs to learn.
LoL...try using spray bottle...less chance of being clawed or bitten!!!
Re: Random Thoughts
08/16/14 5:26 pm | #22657
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/16/14 5:31 pm | #22658
Quote by heathkilljoy:
http://www.buzzfeed.com/skarlan/adventure-time-actor-confirms-princess-bubblegum-and-marceli confirmed
how would that even work
one is bubblegum
the other is a vampire
so many unanswered questions
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/16/14 6:04 pm | #22659
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by heathkilljoy:
http://www.buzzfeed.com/skarlan/adventure-time-actor-confirms-princess-bubblegum-and-marceli confirmed
how would that even work
one is bubblegum
the other is a vampire
so many unanswered questions
pretty much this
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/16/14 6:23 pm | #22660
Quote by X:
Anyone else getting destiny day one? I'm looking at the SE, its like 100$,other than the physical swag it comes with the standard preorder digital stuff and the expansion pack, I'm wondering if anyone is getting it and if they think its worth it,to me its either that or the regular destiny & NHL 15.
Digital Guardian Edition will be released with the limited digital goodies (minus preorder because Xbox is dumb) and I think it's $90. So… just putting that out there. Best Buy leaked this info when they cancelled a lot of people's preorders and ran business to Gamestop like always.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/17/14 1:32 am | #22661
Crimson Dragon is free for the xboner. I had to make sure I grabbed it before it wasn't free anymore.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/17/14 1:55 am | #22662
Quote by Senthura:
Quote by X:
Anyone else getting destiny day one? I'm looking at the SE, its like 100$,other than the physical swag it comes with the standard preorder digital stuff and the expansion pack, I'm wondering if anyone is getting it and if they think its worth it,to me its either that or the regular destiny & NHL 15.
Digital Guardian Edition will be released with the limited digital goodies (minus preorder because Xbox is dumb) and I think it's $90. So… just putting that out there. Best Buy leaked this info when they cancelled a lot of people's preorders and ran business to Gamestop like always.
Where is this deal valid? Through GameStop? I'm probably still getting the disc version so I can trade it when I get sick of playing.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/17/14 2:42 am | #22663
I know it's for a good cause, but if I see one more of these ice bucket challenges I'm gonna punch someone in the scrotum.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/17/14 3:03 am | #22664
It's not for a good cause. It's a way out so all the morons "nominated" don't have to donate.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/17/14 3:38 am | #22665
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Crimson Dragon is free for the xboner. I had to make sure I grabbed it before it wasn't free anymore.
I have discovered that I'm horrible at that game. Or it could be the dragons fault that I suck at that game. Yeah probably the dragons fault.
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