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Went back to play some AC3, man that game's the worst in the series, died two times from jumping off sync points towards the hay piles and it just didn't suck me into them and I literally flopped onto the ground and died. Then I died another time while climbing a building where the geometry just wasn't rendered I guess and he didn't grab on like he's done 100 other times and I just flopped onto the ground again, and I can't stand the fucking notoriety system, this must be the AI's logic: Hey, there's a random dude running around for no reason, alert EVERYONE in the city guard with orders to kill without asking questions for NO reason what so ever.
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Burnt Waffle
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Bronze Waffle
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Any JRPG fan, just wanted to share some two-cents... with my Wii U buy, obviously got (The Last Story), since it's from the original Final Fantasy creator, & music composer. Now that I'm 5 hours in, just got the real hang of the combat- and the story is seriously like FF8 and FF9 combine- with a touch of FF7 (main character Zael wants to be a knight i.e. Cloud's SOLDIER obsession). Voice acting is top notch, this (Rinoa / Garnet) princess, really feeling for her, now. These guys know how to make a great story. Same with (Lost Odyssey) on 360. I had my doubts going in, it being reduced graphics and controls, on Wii, and all-- but yep-- those two guys still have the magic. Well worth the $20 it sells for, now. Honestly, Zael feels like an improved Squall... very similar, but his backstory is better.
I've met Lucas- underwhelming. Spielberg? Don't care. I honestly want to meet Hironobu Sakaguchi & Nobuo Uematsu someday, because those guys are my childhood- and their "last story" keeps bringing the feels. Seriously.