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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/01/14 6:06 pm | #19141
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
how is that being a good friend? and from what i've gathered the police called multiple people but i was the only one who would come pick them up, all my other friends thought the same way you did, which is a garbage of thinking about friends and essentially means i would only be using them for when i benefit, and not helping them when something dumb happens or times are tough.
So are you getting paid back by your friends? Otherwise you're just being used for their benefit. Just because they're your friends doesn't automatically entitle you to bail them out. They're grown (I'm assuming) and responsible (again assuming) adults. Their actions are their own and they need to face the consequences with those actions.
yeah I already got the money from them after I bailed them all out, it was just no one was willing to go pick them up.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/01/14 6:14 pm | #19142
Mo the Surfer won 1,084 Achievements in 62 games, for a total of 28,940 TrueAchievement points (20,441 GamerScore).
I probably won't be doing that again this year.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/01/14 6:56 pm | #19143
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
how is that being a good friend? and from what i've gathered the police called multiple people but i was the only one who would come pick them up, all my other friends thought the same way you did, which is a garbage of thinking about friends and essentially means i would only be using them for when i benefit, and not helping them when something dumb happens or times are tough.
So are you getting paid back by your friends? Otherwise you're just being used for their benefit. Just because they're your friends doesn't automatically entitle you to bail them out. They're grown (I'm assuming) and responsible (again assuming) adults. Their actions are their own and they need to face the consequences with those actions.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/01/14 7:00 pm | #19144
Quote by Amanda:
Quote by Mudkip:
So are you getting paid back by your friends? Otherwise you're just being used for their benefit. Just because they're your friends doesn't automatically entitle you to bail them out. They're grown (I'm assuming) and responsible (again assuming) adults. Their actions are their own and they need to face the consequences with those actions.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/01/14 9:00 pm | #19145
Re: Random Thoughts
01/01/14 9:07 pm | #19146
The first year I didn't forget to check b-days on the homepage on January 1st (it's the default b'day when you sign up). Knew it'd be a lot.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/01/14 10:56 pm | #19147
Well I think it was pretty boss of you to bail your friends out Snap.
I'd do it for my friends, too. They've done it for me.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/01/14 11:06 pm | #19148
Free. Ghetto, but I get dates off it. Just don't take it too seriously. And CaptainMayhem needs to post more, so we can see more of that banner image...
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/01/14 11:08 pm | #19149
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Free. Ghetto, but I get dates off it. Just don't take it too seriously. And CaptainMayhem needs to post more, so we can see more of that banner image...
Yeah Heath! Honestly, I had a thing at OKC for a long time, and while I never got a serious girlfriend out of it, I did meet 2 pretty kick ass chicks and am still friends with 1 of them.
And yeah Sean, I have to yell at Mudkip all the time for his Emma Stone sigs. They're so distracting. om nom nom
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/02/14 12:17 am | #19150
Quote by Meta:
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Free. Ghetto, but I get dates off it. Just don't take it too seriously. And CaptainMayhem needs to post more, so we can see more of that banner image...
Yeah Heath! Honestly, I had a thing at OKC for a long time, and while I never got a serious girlfriend out of it, I did meet 2 pretty kick ass chicks and am still friends with 1 of them.
And yeah Sean, I have to yell at Mudkip all the time for his Emma Stone sigs. They're so distracting. om nom nom
My brother met his fiancee Ashley off OKC (okcupid). No joke. He went on some dud dates, then met her off the site. They did coffee, talked for two hours, and kept seeing each other from there. Wedding in May. She's a pretty genuine girl, that eased him up & mellowed him out. Me, I think I'm destined to meet (many) future wives on set, because I'm stupid. But if you're looking for something honest, OKC is decent. I like POF in the background, just to see who viewed me. Also, Tinder is hot right now (also free)- but you download the app, and I don't have an iPHONE / android (I use a weird european smartphone). Happy hunting.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #19151
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/02/14 12:57 am | #19152
Quote by heathkilljoy:
i rememder a time when people use to tell me there some one out there for u now they dont they have all giving up on me i want to find a girlfriend
I met my husband online.
Try xboxamerica.com... That site worked for me.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/02/14 3:06 am | #19153
I stayed up til 3 to grind my way to 75000 G just now. Waking up at 8:30 to engage in an all day non-stop grind on my quest to 80000
Re: Random Thoughts
01/02/14 7:11 am | #19154
Pretty cool JRPG coming out for PS3/PS4 this year.
Edit: Great a snowstorm is about to hit while I'm at work.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/02/14 8:37 am | #19155
AJ and I met on pof. First thing he said to me, "Sounds like you need to play more video games."
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