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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/13 9:09 pm | #18241
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
No just the opposite. The game leveled with you, so it was beneficial to be as low as level possible for the entirety of the game.
We have had this discussion before.
Level scaling does not apply to all enemies. Also you can grind strong magic to junction which is effectively the same thing.
yeah the only place in the entire game enemies are a specific level is the island closest to heaven and hell where all the enemies are level 100, that's it. everything else scales to level with you.
so an optional part of the game doesn't have level scaling, big deal. 99% of the rest of the game does,which made it ez mode.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/13 9:21 pm | #18242
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
No just the opposite. The game leveled with you, so it was beneficial to be as low as level possible for the entirety of the game.
We have had this discussion before.
Level scaling does not apply to all enemies. Also you can grind strong magic to junction which is effectively the same thing.
Yeah, grinding magic made the game easy. But I don't think the game would be considered "ez mode."
Maybe I didn't find it super easy because I actually played it like it was supposed to be played and leveled squall up...
Or maybe it was because it was 1999 and there weren't Internet forums telling people how to play games without actually having to play them. ;p
Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/13 9:27 pm | #18243
Gamefaqs launched in 1995.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/13 9:34 pm | #18244
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Gamefaqs launched in 1995.
Were you born back then?
Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/13 9:37 pm | #18245
Yes. I was on the internet as well >.>
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/13 9:39 pm | #18246
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Yes. I was on the internet as well >.>
Well, I had internet in 95, but I lived on my own in 99 and couldn't afford it. Considering when it launched it was a board on AOL, I'm willing to bet not very many people were even aware of its existence.
And I'm really really sad for you that you were on aol chat rooms at 5 trolling for D. But I'm impressed with your typing skills.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/13 10:04 pm | #18247
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
We have had this discussion before. Level scaling does not apply to all enemies. Also you can grind strong magic to junction which is effectively the same thing.
Yeah, grinding magic made the game easy. But I don't think the game would be considered "ez mode."
Maybe I didn't find it super easy because I actually played it like it was supposed to be played and leveled squall up...
Or maybe it was because it was 1999 and there weren't Internet forums telling people how to play games without actually having to play them. ;p
Squall+Renzokuken+LionHeart = 250,000 Hit Pwnts.
I would always leave my Squall at like 100 HP because I just loved his Limit Break
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/13 10:06 pm | #18248
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by Kat:
Yeah, grinding magic made the game easy. But I don't think the game would be considered "ez mode."
Maybe I didn't find it super easy because I actually played it like it was supposed to be played and leveled squall up...
Or maybe it was because it was 1999 and there weren't Internet forums telling people how to play games without actually having to play them. ;p
Squall+Renzokuken+LionHeart = 250,000 Hit Pwnts.
I would always leave my Squall at like 100 HP because I just loved his Limit Break
Awww man I really want to play this game again.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/13 10:07 pm | #18249
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Daniel:
Squall+Renzokuken+LionHeart = 250,000 Hit Pwnts.
I would always leave my Squall at like 100 HP because I just loved his Limit Break
Awww man I really want to play this game again.
I'm downloading it as I type this
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/13 10:16 pm | #18250
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by Kat:
Awww man I really want to play this game again.
I'm downloading it as I type this

Download Persona 2 while your at it
Re: Random Thoughts
11/11/13 11:55 pm | #18251
I didn't get on the internet until 1997, and that was just to put my Sailor Moon fanfic online. Long past shame on that one.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/12/13 6:20 am | #18252
SNAPPLE, please tell me you've seen CHUCK. Miranda Lawson... blonde... posing as your girlfriend. I'm 2 episodes in... & I can figure out the other 89. Classic fish-out-of-water / odd couple romance.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/12/13 6:28 am | #18253
Wait- she was the also the voice of Aya Brea in PARASITE EVE? (IMDB) Why isn't this common knowledge? Miranda Lawson & Aya Brea- same person. Apologize for triple post, but that's like mind=blown.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/12/13 7:01 am | #18254
I had no idea
You know, it really pisses me off when these female voice actresses are also ostentatiously attractive real life womens. I mean WTF, you have a successful career voice acting, you don't need to be hot, WTF??
Or the other way around, you are a very beautiful woman, stop taking jobs from capable but physically hideous females!! GOSH
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/12/13 11:29 am | #18255
Quote by Meta:
I had no idea
You know, it really pisses me off when these female voice actresses are also ostentatiously attractive real life womens. I mean WTF, you have a successful career voice acting, you don't need to be hot, WTF??
Or the other way around, you are a very beautiful woman, stop taking jobs from capable but physically hideous females!! GOSH

wow i had no idea some of them look like this i throught they were hot going by there voice
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