Random Thoughts
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Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Yeah its all fun and games until you run out of space & have to make that what to delete decision. And its lame a hell when you want to play something but have to wait for it to download that's what's stoping me from switching to digital.
My random thought: its gonna cost me over $700 to get the xbox 720 & the launch titles I want on day 1....seriously thought about trading in my 360 and all all the games towards the xbone but then I'd have to miss out on GTA5, and that shit ain't happening
I feel like if all games go digital at some point, it would work the same way it does now where if you have purchased and download a game before and than delete it from your hard drive, if you needed to redownload later on to play DLC or something, it would just be a matter of redownloading the game, so it might be easier to keep hard drives clear and the other thing is that memory is so cheap nowadays it would cost less than the cost fo a game too buy an external hard drive and double your memory if you really needed it.
That kind of went out the window when Microsoft got destroyed by everyone bitching about needing an online connection to play. When they took that online necessity away, it killed their cloud access system. Now, unless they figure out a way to make the cloud work without needing an online connection, we will be storing all of our games on our personal harddrives for the next generation.
Quote by theEVOL1:
That kind of went out the window when Microsoft got destroyed by everyone bitching about needing an online connection to play. When they took that online necessity away, it killed their cloud access system. Now, unless they figure out a way to make the cloud work without needing an online connection, we will be storing all of our games on our personal harddrives for the next generation.
I don't understand why they couldn't do it for a certain demographic of gold account holders, while still doing non digital as well.

Quote by Clap That Fool:
Quote by theEVOL1:
That kind of went out the window when Microsoft got destroyed by everyone bitching about needing an online connection to play. When they took that online necessity away, it killed their cloud access system. Now, unless they figure out a way to make the cloud work without needing an online connection, we will be storing all of our games on our personal harddrives for the next generation.
I don't understand why they couldn't do it for a certain demographic of gold account holders, while still doing non digital as well.

What?? You mean use technology advances to allow all people the choice to play however they want so everyone is happy???????
What dystopian future is this?
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Clap That Fool:
I don't understand why they couldn't do it for a certain demographic of gold account holders, while still doing non digital as well.

What?? You mean use technology advances to allow all people the choice to play however they want so everyone is happy???????
What dystopian future is this?

Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Kimberly cx:
then why did you say you recently acquired a job?
Because it's a real job. Sucking dick is a hobby, silly.
Quote by xSirSwish:
I wanna try it out. I haven't been able to play it yet.
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by xSirSwish:
I wanna try it out. I haven't been able to play it yet.
You talking about the older full retail game? If so, I thought it was pretty good. Plus, its an easy 1000gs.
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