Random Thoughts
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Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Nope and glad you're not in my TA feed

Quote by Circus:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Nope and glad you're not in my TA feed

Bean dive? Is their burritos involved or something causr im down! Cant bean dive faster than a beaner!
Quote by isaidgofly:
I've been offline for a minute myself. So I got the wise idea that I'd just collect light seeds on Prince of Persia. I hit the glitch the first time and I knew it wasn't going to be a quick achievement to earn.
So I'm minding my own business, doing a replay just because. When suddenly, a random achievement popped (one that I tried repeatedly during the first play through, yet never happened to get). Glad I got it, but hate that it happened offline.

Quote by Circus:

Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Circus:

No, I think it's just a weird glitch, I loaded up Halo 2 a few months ago but couldn't start the game up due to the invalid game key issue, called support and they 'couldn't help me' so I just quit out of the game without ever signing in with my profile or auto updating. Today I installed Dirt 3 on PC and loaded it up and auto updated and now somehow it's like retroactively showing that I played Halo 2 PC even though I never did I guess? I'm not sure, but it's definitely odd.

Quote by Circus:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
No, I think it's just a weird glitch, I loaded up Halo 2 a few months ago but couldn't start the game up due to the invalid game key issue, called support and they 'couldn't help me' so I just quit out of the game without ever signing in with my profile or auto updating. Today I installed Dirt 3 on PC and loaded it up and auto updated and now somehow it's like retroactively showing that I played Halo 2 PC even though I never did I guess? I'm not sure, but it's definitely odd.

The GFWL system probably updated and just maybe there was a request from H2 still waiting for a response and since the system was updated, the request from H2 popped up "remember me?"
Just a wild guess.
Yeah, I am glad they reeled back in some of their ridiculous DRM policies and junk, but overall Microsoft "shit the bed" and it's not looking good for most of us.
We will see what the upcoming holidays bring.
Don't get me wrong, I am cool with the Xboner now that it isn't quite as Big Brother-y. I still have my day 1 console pre-ordered, and if I have the cash monies when it comes out then I will be all up in that action.
Sort of. Only Ryse and Titanfall look interesting to me personally.
Quote by Meta:
Yeah, I am glad they reeled back in some of their ridiculous DRM policies and junk, but overall Microsoft "shit the bed" and it's not looking good for most of us.
We will see what the upcoming holidays bring.
Don't get me wrong, I am cool with the Xboner now that it isn't quite as Big Brother-y. I still have my day 1 console pre-ordered, and if I have the cash monies when it comes out then I will be all up in that action.
Sort of. Only Ryse and Titanfall look interesting to me personally.
True that, I preordered both consoles with 2 games each then I'll cancel the other one, I went with Forza 5 and DR3 for X1 so far.
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