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Archived: Random Sports Talk
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Re: Random Sports Talk
06/22/12 1:16 am | #916
This might be the funniest thing I've seen all night. Fuck Chris Bosh, hahah.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
06/22/12 1:34 am | #917
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Circus:
I was referring to someone who's name rhymes with Crapple Tap
Ohhh. I was gonna say.

Irish was bout to kill a bitch lmao. Calling a real fan a Bandwagon fan is fighting words
Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
06/22/12 1:41 am | #918
Quote by xMike:
This might be the funniest thing I've seen all night. Fuck Chris Bosh, hahah.

1. What is he doing??
2. How come it's only them 3 that are there?? Lol.
Re: Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
06/22/12 1:45 am | #919
Quote by slicknick3822:
Quote by xMike:
This might be the funniest thing I've seen all night. Fuck Chris Bosh, hahah.

1. What is he doing??
2. How come it's only them 3 that are there?? Lol.
Cause the rest of the team had to wait out in the hallway while they had a
private three way circle jerk.
Re: Random Sports Talk
06/22/12 1:50 am | #920
Bosh seems pretty good at taking facial shots.... wonder why? lol
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
06/22/12 2:06 am | #921
Quote by Circus:
Quote by IRiSH:
Wait. I'm a bandwagon jumper? No I've been a Cavs fan since I was kid. I was a Cavs fan before Lebron and I'll continue to be a Cavs fan without him. I just don't care enough about NBA basketball to watch when the Cavs aren't playing.
I was referring to someone who's name rhymes with Crapple Tap
Yeah, there's really not a Cleveland band wagon to jump on, Irish.
Re: Random Sports Talk
06/22/12 10:13 pm | #922
Sandusky guilty on 45 of 48 counts!!! I hope he has a good time in prison...
Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
06/22/12 11:03 pm | #923
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Sandusky guilty on 45 of 48 counts!!! I hope he has a good time in prison...
He's gonna be in the showers and just be like "I got arrested for this? This is wonderful!!!!" Stupid prick i hope he gets stabbed to death. Asshole.
Re: Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
06/22/12 11:37 pm | #924
Quote by slicknick3822:
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Sandusky guilty on 45 of 48 counts!!! I hope he has a good time in prison...
He's gonna be in the showers and just be like "I got arrested for this? This is wonderful!!!!" Stupid prick i hope he gets stabbed to death. Asshole.
You gotta remember he only liked little boys and he was the one doing the raping.
I'm sure he's not looking forward to his whole cell block running a train.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
06/22/12 11:41 pm | #925
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by slicknick3822:
He's gonna be in the showers and just be like "I got arrested for this? This is wonderful!!!!" Stupid prick i hope he gets stabbed to death. Asshole.
You gotta remember he only liked little boys and he was the one doing the raping.
I'm sure he's not looking forward to his whole cell block running a train.

My parents said he's probably going to end up killing himself. Lol. It doesn't matter, either way he's gonna die in prison.
Re: Random Sports Talk
06/23/12 1:30 am | #926
Re: Random Sports Talk
06/23/12 1:43 am | #927
^^ That was quite possibly the best thing ever on ESPN.
Why do you play a zone Skip?
Well he was slashing and dishing and....
I hate Skip Bayless. Just for the record. I'm starting to like Cuban now too!
Re: Random Sports Talk
06/23/12 1:51 am | #928
Skip Bayless has to be the most retarded sports analyzer (whatever you wanna call him) anywhere, I can't stand that guy with any ounce of anything, all he does is stutter and mutter and repeat himself like a retarded child and he doesn't even know any basic schemes or anything that's going on coaching wise.
Re: Random Sports Talk
06/23/12 2:09 am | #929
I used to watch First Take every day, back when it was Cold Pizza it was alot better IMO. I wasn't a huge fan but there arent too many options at that time of day. They pretty much lost me when the Tebow shit was all they talked about & then it turned into Skip & whoever it was that day arguing for 2 hours. Since I've stopped watching it I feel a little less stupid every day. The Skip Bayless "character" needs to go he's neither entertaining nor informative.
By the way I stumbled on the Dan Patrick show & it's a much better way to waste a few hours of my life.
Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
06/23/12 2:39 pm | #930
Quote by BeaverHunter:
I used to watch First Take every day, back when it was Cold Pizza it was alot better IMO. I wasn't a huge fan but there arent too many options at that time of day. They pretty much lost me when the Tebow shit was all they talked about & then it turned into Skip & whoever it was that day arguing for 2 hours. Since I've stopped watching it I feel a little less stupid every day. The Skip Bayless "character" needs to go he's neither entertaining nor informative.
By the way I stumbled on the Dan Patrick show & it's a much better way to waste a few hours of my life.
I watch it every day!
Do you have DirecTV or do you get it on your local FOX Sports network?
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