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Archived: Random Sports Talk
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Re: Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
07/08/10 11:35 pm | #16
Quote by King Mike XBA:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
lebron on the miami heat.
Bleh. I wanted lebron to go to the
bulls or the knicks.
As did I.
Re: Random Sports Talk
07/09/10 12:21 am | #17
Wow, what a fucking joke! I told myself I wouldn't get pissed if he left but with the way he went about it just burns me up. LeBron could not have done a worse job handling this whole deal. The Decision? Really? Did he really need a whole hour to become the second most hated sports figure in Cleveland history?
For him to sit there and spout this bullshit about how hard a decision it was is just a joke. He's known all along and we all should've known that he had zero intention of resigning with the Cavs when he refused to sign the extension last summer. For him to lead us on for the last two years just shows a complete lack of professional integrity. He made a promise that he would do everything he could to bring a championship to Cleveland and he broke that promise in the worst way possible.
The way he made the fans who supported him for the last 7 years watch while he brought all these other teams to Cleveland and tried to pretend that it was actually a dilemma for him is a fucking joke! And for him to agree to an hour long special devoted to his "decision" and announce that he's leaving was the equivalent of taking a giant shit on our front porch, ringing the doorbell and running away.
I hope he takes the Cleveland curse with him and I hope he never wins a championship. The only consolation I can take out of this whole deal is that he didn't go to Chicago or New York. He and Wade and Bosh can all go choke on each others dicks. Piss on the three of them! Piss on Miami and piss on the entire limp dick shaped state of Florida!
Re: Random Sports Talk
07/09/10 12:32 am | #18
Just to recap....
The Bulls got Carlos Boozer
Knicks got Amare stoudamire (he's fucked 'cause its only himself basically b/c lee probably will sign with another team)
My Celtics got Jermaine o' Neal and re-signed Ray Allen
Kevin Durant signed an extension with the thunder (5-yr 86 mil)
Hawks re-sign Joe Johnson
Grizzlies re-sign Rudy Gay
Heat trade Mike Beasley to the T-Wolves
Re: Random Sports Talk
07/09/10 12:34 am | #19
Either way, I dont think Miami will hang with Boston. That change will make an impact no doubt, but not to the extent it did with the celtics. They added more diversity with the big three they had and already had every other piece of the puzzle in place. Boston didn't even know what was in store with rajon rondo either. They are def the team to beat in the east, and all miami did was bring in more ballhogs. Not to mention they don't have any other players really to support those three. (Not a good thing when they get injured either, look at how much wade goes down) Boston has the bench, crazy 3 pointer shooter in ray allen and obviously the big man in garnett and leader in paul pierce. We didn't even add the floor general rondo.
I mean LeBron is a good player and all, but I can't stand his self-absorbed attitude. He thinks he deserves the same attention that Brett Favre received when he did the short retirement/vikings thing. The difference is that favre is a champion and consistently speaking, the most dependable QB period. Living in Ohio and having to listen to all the LeBron media bs, it gets old really fast. Fact of the matter is that Cleveland supplied him the cast and everything, and he still blew it two years straight. How do you lose 2 home games the whole season (2008-2009) then get owned in the playoffs? As long as Kobe is in the league, he will never see a ring because THAT is a true player, not a choke artist.
Re: Random Sports Talk
07/09/10 12:37 am | #20
Atleast he isn't a rapist

Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
07/09/10 12:43 am | #21
Quote by King Mike XBA:
Heat trade Mike Beasley to the T-Wolves
That's funny! Who the hell is gonna come off the bench for the Heat now? 
Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
07/09/10 12:49 am | #22
Quote by Crustyhippy:
Atleast he isn't a rapist

Lol +1
But still I don't see the heat winning a championship. All because they have 3 hotshot players doesn't mean things are going to be good, i mean look at teams like the magic, celtics, lakers, mavs, hawks, and the bulls then tell me that their going to win it all.
Re: Random Sports Talk
07/09/10 1:03 am | #24
Brett Favre never gets 1 hour tv specials on his decisions... He's a way better player too. I'm sure Brett could play for the Globetrotters.
Re: Random Sports Talk
07/09/10 1:31 am | #28
LeBron is an idiot. He had a beautiful opportunity. If he really only cared about a championship, he could've signed with the Cavs and taken a nominal salary, freeing up salary cap space to bring players to Cleveland. Not only would he be one of the best basketball players in history, but he'd appear selfless and true to his hometown. He could have become a legend.
Now he simply looks like a selfish prick.
Re: Random Sports Talk
07/09/10 1:48 am | #30
Some people just find the quickest/easiest ways to win. Cant really blame em.
If my "home town" team was scrubby, and i needed to carry them all the time....i would eventually leave too.
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