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Random Gaming
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Re: Random Gaming
02/09/18 7:07 am | #3091
Yup, I am done buying games day 1. I can wait until they drop in price
Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/09/18 8:47 am | #3092
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Yup, I am done buying games day 1. I can wait until they drop in price
Here Here....
Re: Random Gaming
02/09/18 5:29 pm | #3093
Depends on the game if I will get it day one or not. If it is one that I am going to really enjoy like AC Origins, I'll get it. If it is another entry into the Call of Duty series, I'll wait a good six months or so to where I can pick it up in the bargain bin.
Re: Random Gaming
02/10/18 3:08 pm | #3094
With my financial situation as of late - no way. I am so broke I can't pay attention...
Re: Random Gaming
02/10/18 7:55 pm | #3095
Deals with Gold!
Red Box!
Re: Random Gaming
02/11/18 6:34 pm | #3096
TA has it's latest easy completion list up and not one the listed games is a cheap date. Easy, yes but not cheap
Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/11/18 9:04 pm | #3097
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
TA has it's latest easy completion list up and not one the listed games is a cheap date. Easy, yes but not cheap
Just got to wait for a sweet Tuesday deal!
Re: Random Gaming
02/12/18 12:06 am | #3098
The new God of War has no mention of nudity, partial nudity or sexual content, strong or otherwise, in its ratings. When developers start to feel like something is "enough", why is it always the sexy time that gets reined in and not ye ultra violence?
I hope they didn't purposely leave out nakeds because of all the social justice warrior bs. God of War has always had female nipples poking sporadically and funny off-screen sex minigames! WTAF!
Re: Random Gaming
02/12/18 1:22 am | #3099
Speaking of random gaming...I pulled out my PS2 and I have been playing FF12
Re: Random Gaming
02/12/18 10:50 am | #3100
Grindiest game without using the cheats to unlock achievements has got to be ARK...I'm nearing like 60 hours and only have 6 achievements popped.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/12/18 6:07 pm | #3101
Quote by Meta:
The new God of War has no mention of nudity, partial nudity or sexual content, strong or otherwise, in its ratings. When developers start to feel like something is "enough", why is it always the sexy time that gets reined in and not ye ultra violence?
I hope they didn't purposely leave out nakeds because of all the social justice warrior bs. God of War has always had female nipples poking sporadically and funny off-screen sex minigames! WTAF!

"The words "F**k" and "a*shole" appear in the dialogue."
Let's hope is in the lines of "Fuck! What a nice asshole you've got there!"
Re: Random Gaming
02/13/18 12:42 am | #3102
As opposed to, "Fuck me right in the asshole."
Re: Random Gaming
02/13/18 10:57 pm | #3103
I am considering playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 - single player only
Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/14/18 12:26 am | #3104
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I am considering playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 - single player only
I enjoyed the single player for the most part
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/14/18 3:46 am | #3105
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I am considering playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 - single player only
I enjoyed the single player for the most part
I did not enjoy the online play at all.
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