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Random Gaming
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/13/16 8:15 am | #2446
Quote by Xandler:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Oh, I know. It's just been a while since I have played Fallout 4 and I am going to at least push myself through the storyline. I guess there's a bigger update coming soon.
I have yet to play it myself and I got it for Christmas...Hell, I got Shadows of Mordor last Christmas and I haven't even opened it...the backlog is real!

Oh, my backlog. My kids went digging through mine and found an unopened copy of Far Cry 3.
I don't even remember buying that game.
Re: Random Gaming
02/13/16 6:08 pm | #2447
So, my kids all tried Homefront and they all agree they hate the game. (shrug)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/13/16 6:09 pm | #2448
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Xandler:
I have yet to play it myself and I got it for Christmas...Hell, I got Shadows of Mordor last Christmas and I haven't even opened it...the backlog is real!

Oh, my backlog. My kids went digging through mine and found an unopened copy of Far Cry 3.
I don't even remember buying that game.
If you do open it, hit me up for those coop achievements because they suck
Re: Random Gaming
02/13/16 6:24 pm | #2449
The Chapters on Marvel Puzzle Quest are extremely long!
Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/14/16 2:36 am | #2450
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
So, my kids all tried Homefront and they all agree they hate the game. (shrug)
The beta? If so I agree with them. I put in a couple hours and then deleted it. It was horrible. I get that it is a beta, but it's core game is not up to par with its previous entries.
Re: Random Gaming
02/15/16 5:16 am | #2451
Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/15/16 9:31 am | #2452
Quote by SeanPCannon:
turtle beach wireless 500x $129, i paid over 200% this price two weeks ago...
Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/15/16 11:36 am | #2453
Quote by SeanPCannon:
turtle beach wireless 500x $129, i paid over 200% this price two weeks ago...
It's refurbished.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/15/16 3:55 pm | #2454
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by SeanPCannon:
turtle beach wireless 500x $129, i paid over 200% this price two weeks ago...
It's refurbished.
Well, that's gotta take some of the sting out 
Re: Random Gaming
02/19/16 2:54 pm | #2455
The roommates and I are doing The Division beta, it's sort of like Destiny except third-person and a bit more Tom Clancy. Veteran XBA'er CrooklynMayo even joined us briefly.
Worth trying if you have an XB1 and some hours to kill, it's open now and only requires you to have an Ubisoft account (used to be Uplay, if you did later Prince of Persia or Assassin's Creed stuff then you probably already have one associated with your gamertag).
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/19/16 5:44 pm | #2456
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
As in Halo? For what?
(shrug) Like I said, it's mindless.
I'm actually going to update my 360 and get back into it. Playing around in forge was half my fun and I need to CR farm.
Re: Random Gaming
02/22/16 4:18 am | #2457
I need help guys. I am trying to find a guitar hero drum kit that allows for two bass pedals. My old kit shattered since i played so much. I have been researching and i can't find the right model or location to buy it. It needs to be the model that will unlock the tutorial achievement in guitar hero Metallica, since i just got that game recently, after my drum kit shattered.
Re: Random Gaming
02/23/16 5:27 pm | #2458
So I just finished The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode 1. I feel like they went more with style than story. Considering the other Walking Dead Telltale games, I feel like I should have cared about the new characters more than I did (of course I care about Michonne, she's an already established character). And maybe it's just me, but it felt a lot shorter than other episodes in this franchise. I think it only took me an hour and 20 minutes or so, when other episodes take me like an hour and 40 minutes to 2 hours. I'll give it a 7/10. Good, but not great. Still looking forward to episodes 2 and 3 though
Re: Random Gaming
02/24/16 11:15 pm | #2459
Anyone playing Far Cry Primal? I plan on getting it soon.
Re: Random Gaming
02/27/16 3:41 pm | #2460
Can anyone help with the 4 player Roblox Achievement?
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