Archived: LOST! Season 6!
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On the interview with jimmy kimmel and the creators damon and carlton said that sayid may not be the real sayid.
Quote by KNTLxXxJ0K3R:
On the interview with jimmy kimmel and the creators damon and carlton said that sayid may not be the real sayid.
Do you think it might be Jacob?
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by KNTLxXxJ0K3R:
On the interview with jimmy kimmel and the creators damon and carlton said that sayid may not be the real sayid.
Do you think it might be Jacob?
Possibly. But they have stated that when characters die, they die. They are just ghosts when they reappear. So right now it's either MiB, Jacob, or sayid.
those numbers make me so mad! they're so confusing... and i can never tell who the good guys or bad guys are i think ben's on the good team, lockes on the bad team, and some of the people at the temple are on both sides. and that other girl with ben and them who was on the more recent plane is a bad guy. what about you all
sorry double post
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
those numbers make me so mad! they're so confusing... and i can never tell who the good guys or bad guys are i think ben's on the good team, lockes on the bad team, and some of the people at the temple are on both sides. and that other girl with ben and them who was on the more recent plane is a bad guy. what about you all
sorry double post
well... at first i thought the names and numbers were biblical references. but then i saw rameraz (sp.. i know. hugo lol) and POOF goes that theory. we now obviously know that THE numbers signify the people involved with the main story.
at this point i still think everyone at the temple is "the good team"
if this doesn't turn into a battle between good and evil i'll be surprised.
well the "inside joke" with the scale, one stone was white one was black. he threw the white one into the water. that clearly signifies good and evil and that he thinks evil is taking over. the thing with the numbers is they've been in the story since the beginning and the fact that they're STILL showing up is starting to bother me. that just means that theres got to be something real deep about them that we're all missing
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
well the "inside joke" with the scale, one stone was white one was black. he threw the white one into the water. that clearly signifies good and evil and that he thinks evil is taking over. the thing with the numbers is they've been in the story since the beginning and the fact that they're STILL showing up is starting to bother me. that just means that theres got to be something real deep about them that we're all missing
i agree. and i love you.
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
well the "inside joke" with the scale, one stone was white one was black. he threw the white one into the water. that clearly signifies good and evil and that he thinks evil is taking over. the thing with the numbers is they've been in the story since the beginning and the fact that they're STILL showing up is starting to bother me. that just means that theres got to be something real deep about them that we're all missing
I don't know about good or bad, but my guess about the stones on the scale is that the white one was Jacob and the black one was "Locke." Obviously they balanced each other out since he wasn't allowed to kill Jacob himself. Now Jacob's dead, and he's thrilled about it, so he threw the stone symbolizing Jacob into the water... kind of an "f you" gesture.
it could easily mean both, only because of the colors. do we have any idea who the little kid is? can only locke and sawyer see him, or did richard not see him because he had just disappeared? or does richard not seeing the kid mean that richard's time as a "leader" on the island up?
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