Archived: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
Improved Leaderboard for 100%
07/14/12 1:00 pm | #1
I was just wondering why there isn't an actual leaderboard for 100% completion like the same format where your gamerscores are tracked. Is there a way we could make that happen? It would make the site look better. Before you say anything I know there is a leaderboard and I appreciate the effort dvader puts in to keep it accurate, but it just seems very plain, couldn't we spice it up some...
Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
07/14/12 2:23 pm | #2
If we did that, we would just be inflating Mini's ego more.
Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
07/14/12 2:25 pm | #3
If your not 1st your last, hes in 2nd anyway

Re: Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
07/14/12 2:55 pm | #4
Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
If your not 1st your last, hes in 2nd anyway 

Re: Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
07/14/12 3:00 pm | #5
Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
If your not 1st your last, hes in 2nd anyway 

Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
07/14/12 3:19 pm | #6
Hater, so no real opinions...You all don't think it would look better then just forum format?
Re: Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
07/14/12 5:55 pm | #7
Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
Hater, so no real opinions...You all don't think it would look better then just forum format?
Yes and no. I think it would be nice to have a board set up for that, but the problem I would point out straight off the bat is that this site doesn't always recognize duplicate games. Such as the EU version of Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper.
I know there are a handful of other Japanese games that don't recognize as well. Plus at the moment (as far as I know) Jackson is the only one that can edit or put in new games.
Also my personal opinion is that I like the current leaderboard in that only those who are somewhat active on the site will be updated. If there is an automatic one, or even one where people can join and it automatically update, there will be plenty of people who don't really care about the site who pop in, join up, then leave to the abyss of non-posting.
...and yes I realize that it keeps me at #2 instead of say #10 or so, but that isn't the big reason I like it how it is....

Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
07/14/12 6:32 pm | #8
Well it doesn't have to auto update or anything like that, I would just like the format for the leaderboard to look like an actual leaderboard instead of writing on a forum, it should look more like the gamerscore leaderboards even if the information has to be manually updated by someone.
Re: Re: Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
08/13/12 10:19 pm | #9
Quote by Minioger:
I know there are a handful of other Japanese games that don't recognize as well. Plus at the moment (as far as I know) Jackson is the only one that can edit or put in new games.
Ah ha, I knew this was in here somewhere.
The most two recently played games for myself are Bioshock (German) and Conflict: Denied Ops (Japan). At the moment this site recognizes neither of them.
Just wanted to point this out for reference in regards to completions percentages (so it relates to the other badge idea thread as well).
Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
08/14/12 12:33 am | #10
so....this is xbox AMERICA, I wouldn't be hurt if it doesn't count those type of games...
Re: Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
08/14/12 12:56 am | #11
Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
so....this is xbox AMERICA, I wouldn't be hurt if it doesn't count those type of games...
Oh well then let's just do whatever YOU want to do

...but seriously. I'm just pointing out there is a flaw in the system. If it gets implemented there will be other concerns to deal with. What's strange is the site recognizes some of the stacked games, but not all of them....go figure.
Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
08/14/12 1:50 am | #12
Canadians play U.S. games for the most part. I'm not saying do it my way, I'm just saying the majority of people who play xbox and the majority of people who are on this site only play U.S. Versions of the games so it would not affect them. I know that you play all those other versions but its not like thats the majority of gamers. Either way if you want those games included wouldn't it open up the leaderboards and the whole site to anyone regardless of their home nation?
P.S. - I can't hear the little movie, I have been using my backup laptop cuz I spilled coke all over mine
P.S. - I can't hear the little movie, I have been using my backup laptop cuz I spilled coke all over mine

Re: Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
08/14/12 3:15 am | #13
Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
Canadians play U.S. games for the most part. I'm not saying do it my way, I'm just saying the majority of people who play xbox and the majority of people who are on this site only play U.S. Versions of the games so it would not affect them. I know that you play all those other versions but its not like thats the majority of gamers. Either way if you want those games included wouldn't it open up the leaderboards and the whole site to anyone regardless of their home nation?
P.S. - I can't hear the little movie, I have been using my backup laptop cuz I spilled coke all over mine
P.S. - I can't hear the little movie, I have been using my backup laptop cuz I spilled coke all over mine

It's Ace Ventura - at the end he says "lets do everything YOU want to do."
And no, the original region of the game has nothing to do with who joins the site. There are plenty of people who live in America who lived in other locations previously and have an xbox from another region (or those that import boxes). Plus on top of that there are many people from the waffle thread who have played My Horse and Me 2, which is a PAL game that just happens to not be region locked.
I find it frustrating that you say its not a big deal to count these games because there are only a minority of us who have multiple systems (no I'm not mad at you). All I'm trying to do is bring up the perspective of someone who does have the systems as I feel we shouldn't be screwed out of our work in games simply because we have multiple regions. Yes, we are overall the minority, but at the same point too, there is a current gap in the database, look at the recent releases on the bottom of the page! It's missing several new games.
I know it may not bother you, but if an idea like this is implemented, or a badge like the other thread, there has to be some way for this site to calculate the percentages, and to do that it has to have all the information. Games missing from the database are a problem. I'm not stating this to be against the idea, I'd love for it to be implemented and these gaps in the database fixed. I'm not saying the idea should be shot down because of it, I'm just bringing up the point as a potential issue when doing so.
On a related note, this is the 4th version of Bioshock 1 I've played, and the database only has it in there once...
I tend to ramble so to avoid the tl;dr, I highlighted the one important sentence!

Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
08/14/12 3:40 am | #14
Like I said before I'm not very computer savy but I can think up new ideas constantly. My completion % and amount of them aren't very high even now so either way it would be done counting or not counting foreign versions doesn't bother me. I was just thinking of a fix the way its currently setup. If some things need to be changed to make progress I don't see why they can't be changed for the better. I realize jackson doesn't visit often anymore, does he need to do these changes himself or does anyone else have the power? If you PM me with the problems Mini that you see I will tell you how I think they could be changed or fixed even if I am wrong, maybe I won't be or maybe I'll spark your creative/problem solving to the correct solution.
Re: Improved Leaderboard for 100%
08/14/12 5:08 am | #15
Although having these ideas for improving the site are great and all, I'm not so sure that the game completion leaderboard needs to be given a new look. It's in the same format that the original had, and this format is good for quick and easy editing of the list. When I took it upon myself to run the thread since there were complaints that the member that was running the original wasn't updating the list on a regular basis, I thought it would be real simple to keep up with, but that's not always been the case. (Not to mention the drama that happened within the first few days of my starting the thread, due to the member that ran the original thread feeling like I was not good enough; even though they had said they didn't want to keep updating the original thread and that any member could go ahead and take over running the thread for them.)
Just my $0.02
Just my $0.02