Archived: i hate when.....
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Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 4:30 pm | #302
So... in a year and a half, there's no hope?

Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 4:46 pm | #304
I'm sorry, Mike. There is no hope then

Re: Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 4:48 pm | #305
Quote by Noah 9000:
i played pokemon red, blue and stadium back in the day.
good times. glad it's over though. i'm too manly for that business.
now if you'll all excuse me i must iron my spongebob squarepants underpants.
good times. glad it's over though. i'm too manly for that business.
now if you'll all excuse me i must iron my spongebob squarepants underpants.
I STILL play pokemon and I have scooby doo underwear.... wait, what was this thread about again?
Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 4:50 pm | #306
MINI! You just made me want to go out and buy scooby doo underwear, you cruel man..
BRB going to the FAP, or GAP.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 5:01 pm | #307
Quote by Lady Evol:
You will one day reread what you write at this age and think "Wow, I was a huge asshat."
Ive done things like that on old things I wrote, but it wasnt so much as "I was an asshat" more like, I was a moron.
Re: Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 5:17 pm | #308
Quote by Crustyhippy:
MINI! You just made me want to go out and buy scooby doo underwear, you cruel man..
BRB going to the FAP, or GAP.

Crusty, you know you and I are homies, but for future reference I don't want to know when you are going to fap.

Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 5:52 pm | #309
LOL Meta
.. I swear the F is right next to the G..

Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 9:05 pm | #311
LOL oh wow.
you guys ever have someone tell you something obvious and then follow up with "you're welcome"?
yeah.... i hate that.
you guys ever have someone tell you something obvious and then follow up with "you're welcome"?
yeah.... i hate that.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 9:29 pm | #312
Quote by Lady Evol:
I don't even want to hang out with 18 year old boys!
That's because, as a female gamer, which is still kinda rare on some games, you know what those 18 year old brains will resort to as soon as they hear your voice.
I laugh every time I hear it.
"I killed you mother fucker" 18yo boy
"please don't talk like that" girl, any age
"wow, are you a girl" other boy
"yes" girl
"Do you have a boyfriend?" "Where do you live?" "How old are you?" "Can I have your number?" and any other thing the boys come up with. These are usually all asked in the span of 2 seconds after the girl announces herself as a girl.
That said, my son is 8, he has played games since he was very young. I allowed him to play GTA San Andreas. It's all about teaching your kids right from wrong.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 9:37 pm | #313
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Lady Evol:
I don't even want to hang out with 18 year old boys!
That's because, as a female gamer, which is still kinda rare on some games, you know what those 18 year old brains will resort to as soon as they hear your voice.
I laugh every time I hear it.
"I killed you mother fucker" 18yo boy
"please don't talk like that" girl, any age
"wow, are you a girl" other boy
"yes" girl
"Do you have a boyfriend?" "Where do you live?" "How old are you?" "Can I have your number?" and any other thing the boys come up with. These are usually all asked in the span of 2 seconds after the girl announces herself as a girl.
That said, my son is 8, he has played games since he was very young. I allowed him to play GTA San Andreas. It's all about teaching your kids right from wrong.
Or they just send pictures of their small, insignificant excuse for genitals.
The Lady's son, Roxas, is the single most impressionable child I have ever met, so yes, there will be no GTA of any kind for him. There's not always just teaching your kids right from wrong. He's not sheltered by any stretch of the imagination. But when it comes down to it, there's no reason to put him in a place where his main influences are idiot kids and internet morons.
Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 9:49 pm | #314
omg. so many rants on young kids on xbawx liev... (omg. so many rants on young kids on xbox live...)
imma gon go hide nao, dun wan get flameded D: (i am going to go hide now, dont want to get flamed)
and yes i just intentionally typed like that -_- but i atleast put what i was actually sayin in parentheses for those who dissaprove of my typin -_-
anyways, im not going to say much on the subject, as i basically am the subject. or well, not technically. im 14...but i mean, same thing right? lol
imma gon go hide nao, dun wan get flameded D: (i am going to go hide now, dont want to get flamed)
and yes i just intentionally typed like that -_- but i atleast put what i was actually sayin in parentheses for those who dissaprove of my typin -_-
anyways, im not going to say much on the subject, as i basically am the subject. or well, not technically. im 14...but i mean, same thing right? lol
Re: i hate when.....
08/09/09 10:45 pm | #315
I'm 15, but I'm liek sooooooo much moar mateur thEn thos othr kids.