Archived: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
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Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/11/10 8:56 am | #31
I am a 4 to 5 I think mw2 is the best in the past 4 or 5 years.
Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/11/10 11:53 am | #32
For the online part, some days 5 and other days 1. I am really loving ranking up to 70, but some days I just suck and can't seem to get any kills. It's been fun, but I can see myself moving on to new territory soon. The unplayed games are stacking up.
I would like to wrap up SpecOps with a decent partner before moving on.
I would like to wrap up SpecOps with a decent partner before moving on.
Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/11/10 3:48 pm | #33
LOL joking. maybe 3.5

LOL joking. maybe 3.5

Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/11/10 6:01 pm | #34
Negative 47.
Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/17/10 2:47 pm | #36
wow... perfect timing lol.
this just in: AJ only plays MW2 when he's drinking. and he's not addicted.
to MW2 that is.
this just in: AJ only plays MW2 when he's drinking. and he's not addicted.
to MW2 that is.
Re: Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/17/10 2:51 pm | #37
Quote by Noah 9000:
wow... perfect timing lol.
this just in: AJ only plays MW2 when he's drinking. and he's not addicted.
to MW2 that is.
this just in: AJ only plays MW2 when he's drinking. and he's not addicted.
to MW2 that is.
Lol... That was perfect.
Re: Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/17/10 3:09 pm | #39
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
Anytime I really fall in love with a game I settle in at about 4.5 every time.. it takes a really amazing game to do that though.. only a handful of titles on the 360 had me playing that much. MW1, Sacred 2, Fallout, Oblivion and MW2.
^ That. I was a 5.9 on smackdown vs raw 2009, down to like a 3 or 3.2 on 2010, with modern warfare 2, 4.5 like it says above.

Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/17/10 3:43 pm | #41
not much since i think the online sucks..but the campaign is the shit........
Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
02/02/10 11:27 am | #45
A 12 when the game came out lost my job my wife and my house that's all i played was this damn game. Just kidding I would have to say at least a 3.5 I play at night after work and if any of my friends are on.