Archived: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
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Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/08/10 11:30 pm | #2
Im a 1
Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/08/10 11:31 pm | #3
1. If that.
Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/08/10 11:33 pm | #4
not a 2....but not a 3.... 2.5
Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/08/10 11:46 pm | #5
was a level 3 until my xbox 360 got the red rings of death and i had to send in to microsoft and it has been about a week now. But i get my xbox back this coming wednesday!! but the first game i'll put into it will be halo 3 to get my multiplayer games on. oh how i've missed my halo.
Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/08/10 11:56 pm | #7
ahhahah addictaded
Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/09/10 12:16 am | #8
level-5 its just so fun i dont ever want to get off the game lol...usually
Re: Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/09/10 12:36 am | #10
Quote by STD:
So what level would it be if you tried to have intercourse with the game? Not saying I've tried just asking a general question 


Re: Re: how addictaded can you get to mw2?
01/09/10 12:55 am | #14
Quote by AJ:
1. If that.
i need to eventually wrap up the spec ops and then i'm done.
i really enjoyed the campaign.