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Closed: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
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Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/23/10 3:20 am | #61
MW2 is a great game but multiplayer still has bugs and glitches and it feels more modern*no pun intended* the 10th prestige thing makes the ones who get it legit in waw or 4 indiscernable from the hackers the 14 year old homos are extremely annoying but i dont mind them playing mature games unless they trash talk about my mom having a dick and other shit that doesnt make sense only to fail 1-38 using a FAL(modded) Noob Tube with fall camo(prob boosted) and One Man Army and Danger Close...true story
WAW is another great game but the MP40 is a little overpowered and the LMG sprayers were also annoying. the maps felt better than mw2 but too many hidey holes. also the trash talking 14 year old homos were here before.
COD4 was the greatest videogame that mankind has ever forged with the hammer of space and the anvil of time and because i could be in a party by myself so i dont have to hear the trashtalkers
WAW for now has a better mp but once all the glitches are cleared and the trash talkers muted in MW2 will be superior but 4 will best them all
Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/23/10 3:56 am | #62
ummmmm I never knew that the Mona Lisa didnt have eyebrows and that theevol1 was 14 and a juggalo 
I suck at all online shooters but both games are sweet.
I like the guns better on MW2 but I prefer battlefield bc or RSV2 over both, why you ask I dunno I just do!!!
halo 3
02/23/10 5:25 pm | #63
well i see people dont like halo.B*^(
Re: Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/23/10 5:40 pm | #64
Quote by Adrian Potato Tummy:
ummmmm I never knew that the Mona Lisa didnt have eyebrows and that theevol1 was 14 and a juggalo
No, you have it backwards! The mona Lisa is a 14 year old Juggalo and I don't have any eyebrows!
Personally I haven't played MW2, so it's Halo 3 by default although I enjoyed Halo 1 and 2 more than 3.
Re: Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/23/10 6:59 pm | #66
Quote by ALXander333:
COD4 was the greatest videogame that mankind has ever forged with the hammer of space and the anvil of time
rarely have truer words been spoken.
Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/23/10 7:43 pm | #67
I like both, but I gotta go with MW2. Both Story modes where good though IMO.
Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/23/10 8:05 pm | #68
Lol its sad that people are arguing over this
IMO, Gears is better than both.
Re: Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/23/10 8:20 pm | #69
Quote by Aidan :
Lol its sad that people are arguing over this
IMO, Gears is better than both.
I agree as long as it's the first GoW! The campaign WAS short, but man, it was a blast! I even enjoyed MP and that is rare for me!
Re: Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/23/10 9:21 pm | #70
Quote by Aidan :
Lol its sad that people are arguing over this
IMO, Gears is better than both.
and yet mw2 is in your recent games...but gears is not
muahhahhahha!!! lol just thought id be captain obvious for a bit xD
Re: Re: Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/23/10 9:27 pm | #71
Quote by Taco:
Quote by Aidan :
Lol its sad that people are arguing over this
IMO, Gears is better than both.
and yet mw2 is in your recent games...but gears is not

muahhahhahha!!! lol just thought id be captain obvious for a bit xD
I gotta fit in, you know?
Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/23/10 9:45 pm | #72
Call of duty the whole way halo campaign is cool but online blows
halo 3
02/23/10 9:55 pm | #73
so maps are good in halo 3 my favorite is foundry or sandbox(GOODFORGEMAPS)
Re: halo 3
02/23/10 10:26 pm | #75
Quote by asup3rn1nja:
so maps are good in halo 3 my favorite is foundry or sandbox(GOODFORGEMAPS)
yeah call of duty better guns louder in call of duty my best gun is ak 47 (GOODGUNFORSHOOTING) it owns noobs dudes kittens hilary swank burritos nazis citrus fruits well pretty much everything except punctuation I like project gottem racing because i can go zoom zoom vroom YEEEEEEOW
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