Closed: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/21/10 11:32 pm | #16
Gotta go MW2, if you look at ppl online, 815k ppl are online right now and that's only on xbox. I don't think halo 3 ever had that many ppl online at 1 time. MW2 has more guns, and it's actually possible to kill 2 ppl at a time. Unlike halo where the only way you have a chance at killing even one person, is if the other ppl really suck.
halo 3
02/21/10 11:39 pm | #17
ok actually you can double shot. plus halo is better than you will ever be.......pwnd........bitch
Re: halo 3
02/21/10 11:43 pm | #18
Quote by asup3rn1nja:
ok actually you can double shot. plus halo is better than you will ever be.......pwnd........bitch
You can't talk. You get "pwned" all the time. End of Story.
Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/22/10 12:12 am | #19
u forgot the option, "they both suck"
halo 3
02/22/10 12:15 am | #20
so i will add it for your sake a silent circus.
Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/22/10 12:16 am | #21
Can you please add, Peggle, Sonic, and Hannah Montana? Hannah Montana was a BEAST shooter. If anyone likes MW2, pick up Hannah and get down to bizniss...
But MW2 is better than gaylo, that's for realz.
But MW2 is better than gaylo, that's for realz.
Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/22/10 12:17 am | #22
No AJ, Kung Fu panda was the best.

Re: Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/22/10 12:20 am | #23
Quote by RtG Moonlight:
No AJ, Kung Fu panda was the best.

You got that right, when I found the RPG in that game, IT WAS OVER!
But we need to stay on topic so this thread doesn't closed.

MW2 > Halo = Forever.
Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/22/10 12:21 am | #25
Halo 3 players online( 1- asuperninja) MW2 members online(949,498,958,835) Looks like you are lonely over there superninja.
Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/22/10 12:24 am | #26
Halo 3 is for a bunch of social inept homophobic 14 year old boys listening to insane clown posse and chugging mountain dew. MW2 is for the rest of us.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/22/10 12:24 am | #27
Quote by Austin:
Quote by Aaron:
I might have to agree with that!

BUT for the two choices....MW2, surprised i chose that anyone?

we win <_<
Re: Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/22/10 12:25 am | #28
Quote by Bowzer06:
Halo 3 is for a bunch of social inept homophobic 14 year old boys listening to insane clown posse and chugging mountain dew. MW2 is for the rest of us.

Re: Re: Halo 3 vs Modern Warfare 2
02/22/10 12:27 am | #29
Quote by Bowzer06:
Halo 3 is for a bunch of social inept homophobic 14 year old boys listening to insane clown posse and chugging mountain dew. MW2 is for the rest of us.