Quote by Katarn StarKiLR:
I say halo 3 beats MW2 hands down. There is so much better stuff in Halo over cod. You can play co-op campaign, you can have 4 people play online in the same system. Better, and cooler guns, and i love the shields. I like have sometimes it takes forever to kill someone, and best of all no glitches. Bad things about MW2. No campaign, only 1 online person, crappy weapons, no shields, 30+ glitches,should i continue,no,but i am going to. The people i know who play mw2 cuss, they say stuff i never heard of, they are mostly jerks, and they suck, and there is no story to modern warfare Games that beat MW2
Assassin creeds 2
assassin creed
dragon age
halo odst
Star wars
cod waw
medal of honor
fable 2
samurai warriors 2 empires
army of 2
mass effect mass effect 2 plus 100 more games i can think of. Modern Warfare 2 SUCKS!!!!!
How can you say that having no shields and realistic guns makes a game bad. If they had shields then everyone would be mad because they got away from the realistic part of war.
For the guns, all of those guns are real (at least as far as I know, I could be proven wrong) but, if they made a ray gun in MW2 all online players would use it and soon threads would start about how ppl hate those so, they had to keep the guns realistic. Ppl got upset at the akimbo 1887's so what did Infinity Ward do.. they dumbed them down to make it more realistic.
I also really have no idea why it would be fun having a hard time killing someone

. I have heard just as many jerks playing halo as I have heard playing CoD and if it bothers you that much you can mute them so I don't even know why that's one of your points.
Also, could you imagine how frustrating the game would be having 4 ppl playing on one screen. First, you basically have to look everywhere in the game because there are many places that ppl can get to and having 4 ppl on 1 tv would be too overwhelming. You would need a HUGE tv to see everything. Second, with some of the gametypes having ppl play on 1 tv wouldn't be right. I mean they took off party chat for search so ppl that were dead couldn't tell ppl that were alive where they were killed from. So, only having 1 person online is the best idea. CoD has way more game types than Halo.
Last point... CoD WaW is no where near as good as MW2. There were just as many glitches in that game as MW2 when it first came out. I mean they never fixed the problem with the knife in that game. The one where your knife would go through the guy but you wouldn't kill him. I hope that was just a joke on your part. Ther