Archived: *Guide* in the main tabs
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
*Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 2:03 am | #1
I was just wondering why we can't put a GUIDE button on the main tabs maybe replacing the search one since every option has the search there anyhow. How hard would that be to do? Would influence more guides made here and more traffic. I also know from previous conversations with long standing members that guides aren't a big thing here but it couldn't hurt to replace the search tab IMO. What do you all think?

Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 2:56 am | #2
i think someone's aiming for a new badge

Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 2:59 am | #3
Well....maybe, lol. But I think it would be a good idea, I'd love to be able to use this site for guides as well and I would love to make some guides.
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 3:15 am | #4
It isn't a bad idea, however, I think there would be nothing but coping and pasting from x360a and true achievements going on in those threads or tabs.
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 3:21 am | #5
No I think the search bar is totally necessary!
...okay again seriously though, I know I posted in at least one of those threads, and I couldn't find another one where it was discussed in depth. But basically I'm for guides, but they would need to be edited/controlled by the staff to make sure people aren't just ripping of x360a.org or ta.com now.
I'm still for the idea, but I don't see it getting implemented anytime soon.
I'll leave this thread open in case anyone wants to discuss any new ideas with this.
No I think the search bar is totally necessary!

...okay again seriously though, I know I posted in at least one of those threads, and I couldn't find another one where it was discussed in depth. But basically I'm for guides, but they would need to be edited/controlled by the staff to make sure people aren't just ripping of x360a.org or ta.com now.
I'm still for the idea, but I don't see it getting implemented anytime soon.
I'll leave this thread open in case anyone wants to discuss any new ideas with this.
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 3:28 am | #6
My thoughts were to make a guide section and yes they should go through a process to make sure they are accurate and they aren't just ripping off a guide on another site. I think there should be some format like x360a roadmap detailing how long, needed equipment and all that good stuff to get the full 1000/1000 out of any particular game. Since waffles are a popular thing on this site I would name it something around that. I would also like to see the gamer picture unlocked next to the guide for each achievement as well as any guides/tips (like true achievements setup)for that particular achievement. If implemented user awards should be created for making guides on this site giving everyone a bonus to making their guides. I'm glad you all liked the idea, as soon as I saw Mini commented I was like oh shit hes about to shoot this one down too 
EDIT: Don't forget gamefaqs.com as I used them alot before ever using the others listed, I don't want to steal any of their way of doing guides but if we do this we should combine all of their collected powers of how to make guides and use as much as possible to make these guides the best.
I am also good friends with 3 of the best guide writers on x360a, if created I know they will post guides to both sites if I ask nicely.

EDIT: Don't forget gamefaqs.com as I used them alot before ever using the others listed, I don't want to steal any of their way of doing guides but if we do this we should combine all of their collected powers of how to make guides and use as much as possible to make these guides the best.
I am also good friends with 3 of the best guide writers on x360a, if created I know they will post guides to both sites if I ask nicely.
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 7:44 am | #7
I am all-for the idea. I feel like we have enough active staff now to catch copy/pasters.
We shall see...
We shall see...
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 8:22 am | #8
I would vote yes on this....if it was up for a vote. It would be nice to find all the xbox 360 things I search for on one website.
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 9:05 am | #9
I think if we're replacing the search tab, it should be with reviews, since the staff actuall writes those, and we really do need to separate them from the rest of the articles.
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 4:32 pm | #10
I thought reviews were under articles, why not in the articles tab you have 2 options to choose from or how ever many you all need, reviews, news, community spotlight or whatever is needed.
Re: Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 7:55 pm | #11
Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
I thought reviews were under articles, why not in the articles tab you have 2 options to choose from or how ever many you all need, reviews, news, community spotlight or whatever is needed.
As I said, I'd like to separate staff reviews from everything else, including member reviews. We have like- 1 guide, why suddenly do we need a guide tab, but the things we have a lot of should just split one tab?
There's no reason people can't continue to post walkthroughs if they want, certainly not having a walkthrough tab wouldn't stop that...
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 9:11 pm | #12
I agree actually. Guides can just be posted in the Xbox 360 Hints, Tips, and Cheats sub forum like i did.
Re: Re: Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/14/12 10:29 pm | #13
Quote by Kat:
Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
I thought reviews were under articles, why not in the articles tab you have 2 options to choose from or how ever many you all need, reviews, news, community spotlight or whatever is needed.
As I said, I'd like to separate staff reviews from everything else, including member reviews. We have like- 1 guide, why suddenly do we need a guide tab, but the things we have a lot of should just split one tab?
There's no reason people can't continue to post walkthroughs if they want, certainly not having a walkthrough tab wouldn't stop that...
I was reading through this thread and just thought I might add my two cents. Although, it's probably only the equivalent of one cent.

I'm not sure we need a guide tab at this point, it certainly isn't an awful idea though. My concern, like most others, is the possibility of a lot of copying and pasting going on. Or, stealing from other sites, if you are so inclined to call it that. As Meta said though, the site seems to have enough staff to catch that sort of thing at this point. So, if there were a way to make sure that didn't happen, I'm all for it.
I also see value with having a review tab. I think a lot of people like to hear an unbiased review of a game from a fellow gamer. Having a review tab would make them easier to find.
What I do not agree with would be separating reviews from staff members from those of other members. We don't separate any other threads made by staff from those made by other members, why start doing that now? If we have a review tab, all reviews should be found there, regardless of who wrote it.
Anyway, sorry for the rambling, just my thoughts on these ideas.
Re: Re: Re: Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/15/12 8:38 am | #14
Quote by unkled20:
Quote by Kat:
As I said, I'd like to separate staff reviews from everything else, including member reviews. We have like- 1 guide, why suddenly do we need a guide tab, but the things we have a lot of should just split one tab?
There's no reason people can't continue to post walkthroughs if they want, certainly not having a walkthrough tab wouldn't stop that...
I was reading through this thread and just thought I might add my two cents. Although, it's probably only the equivalent of one cent.

I'm not sure we need a guide tab at this point, it certainly isn't an awful idea though. My concern, like most others, is the possibility of a lot of copying and pasting going on. Or, stealing from other sites, if you are so inclined to call it that. As Meta said though, the site seems to have enough staff to catch that sort of thing at this point. So, if there were a way to make sure that didn't happen, I'm all for it.
I also see value with having a review tab. I think a lot of people like to hear an unbiased review of a game from a fellow gamer. Having a review tab would make them easier to find.
What I do not agree with would be separating reviews from staff members from those of other members. We don't separate any other threads made by staff from those made by other members, why start doing that now? If we have a review tab, all reviews should be found there, regardless of who wrote it.
Anyway, sorry for the rambling, just my thoughts on these ideas.
The point would be that staff reviews are considered "official" site reviews. They're what is used when publishers go over the site to decide if they send review copies to our site, and they're what we want our quality level judged from. Say I write Alicia Kim at Capcom for a review copy of Resident Evil 6, and link her to the site. She comes to the site and the first review they see is this (assuming he'd made it a review thread). This is not indicitive of how I, or Meta or Mini would review a game, but that's what we'd be judged by.
Anyway, wayyy off topic from the op, but it does address BHftw's question in another thread about why someone always comes in and shuts down his ideas... I will ALWAYS shoot down an idea that blocks the direction I'd like to see the site grow to.
Ps- on topic- how many flame wars start in guide threads on x360a? Honestly? Every one I've seen. Every solution on TA has downvotes for no reason. People fight over being first. They fight if someone classifies it as a quick completion if it's not. They fight if it's not as good as it could be. X360a is notorious for being a d-bag site, why would we want to bring that over?
Re: *Guide* in the main tabs
08/15/12 9:20 am | #15
Unattributed Quote:
Ps- on topic- how many flame wars start in guide threads on x360a? Honestly? Every one I've seen. Every solution on TA has downvotes for no reason. People fight over being first. They fight if someone classifies it as a quick completion if it's not. They fight if it's not as good as it could be. X360a is notorious for being a d-bag site, why would we want to bring that over?